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Social studies

GEM Subject Classifications
Anthropology (130)
Careers (37)
Civics (284)
Comparative political systems (176)
Criminology (43)
Current events/issues (1,103)
Economics (506)
Geography (409)
Gerontology (11)
History (781)
Human behavior (344)
Human relations (403)
Informal education (126)
Instructional issues (94)
Process skills (2)
Psychology (84)
Social work (24)
Sociology (258)
State history (621)
Technology (204)
Technology and civilization (179)
United States Constitution (27)
United States government (449)
United States history (1,245)
Urban studies (307)
World history (669)


Academy of Achievement

Let’s face it: economia to those great heroes of the past are nothing new, and some might believe that there are too many out there in the first place. The Academy of Achievement website disproves this idea with its well-thought out tributes to those truly unique individuals who have made substantive contributions in the arts, the sciences, and a number of other areas of human endeavor. As its...
Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences: Resources

The organization that brings the world the coveted Oscar award, the red carpet scrutiny of the evening's dresses, and the quest for the best emcee, also engages in "Research and Preservation" of film. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) devotes part of its website to the Margaret Herrick Library, the Academy Film Archive, and Resources & Databases. Visitors interested in...
Access in the Future Tense

The Council on Library and Information Resources produces a number of written works to inform the community of library specialists on a host of important and pressing topics, including preservation awareness, resources for scholarship, and digital libraries. This particular work came out of an invitational conference sponsored by the Council in May 2003 which was designed "to examine the key...
Access to Social Services: The Changing Urban Geography of Poverty and Service Provision

Access to social services, especially for the poor, continues to concern numerous public policy scholars and practitioners. This recent 19-page report from the Brookings Institution (authored by Scott Allard, a professor at Brown University) takes a closer look at this phenomenon by looking at the metropolitan areas of Chicago, Los Angeles, and Washington, DC. Released in August 2004, the report...
ACCION International

Part of the ongoing debate about the process of globalization throughout both the developed and developing world is that a good deal of the world's population continues to grow poorer and poorer while a number of international transnational corporations continue to increase their share of the world's assets. There have been a number of efforts to combat poverty in the developing world, including...

These days, a number of individuals are making sure that the nation’s young people are not left behind, and in addition, a number of organizations have been passionately involved in these efforts as well. One such group is Achieve, which was founded in 1996 by the nations’ governors and business leaders. As their website notes, “Achieve serves as a significant national voice for quality in...
Achieving the Dream: Community Colleges Count

Bringing a more diverse student body into the world of higher education is important, and a number of organizations have teamed up "to help more students reach their individual goals, which may include earning a community college certificate or degree." The organizations involved with the "Achieving the Dream" initiative include The American Association of Community Colleges and The Community...
ACRL: dh + lib

For librarians and digital humanities enthusiasts (and, of course, those who fall in both categories), dh + lib is the Association of College and Research Libraries' official blog dedicated to the intersection of these two fields. The blog was launched in 2012 by a group of librarians with the aim of creating, "a communal space where librarians, archivists, LIS graduate students, and information...
Across the United States, students return to school to find significant changes underway

Back to School for Reform,1,6157283.story?coll=la-headlines-pe-california Harvard studies ways to promote teaching Beloit College’s Mindset List for the Class of...
Active Living by Design

Members of the public health community and those from the world of urban planning have teamed up to create the Active Living By Design program, and by extension, this fine website. With funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and an academic home at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Public Health, the program was created “to increase physical activity through...
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