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ABA Legal Technology Resource Center

The American Bar Association's Legal Technology Resource Center is intended to help lawyers "solve the technology puzzle." They regularly conduct survey research assessing the use of technology in the legal community, including availability and usage of a wide range of general and legal-specific technologies. The full report for 2003 is available for purchase only, but the methodology and the...
ALA Archives Digital Collections

While some may harbor antiquated and erroneous impressions of librarians, those in the know can attest that these invaluable professionals like to get out and about just like their kinfolk in other learned professions. There is ample historical proof of this fact offered by this website, which contains a selection of digitized documents from the American Library Association (ALA) Archives, housed...
American Association of University Women

Founded in 1881, the American Association of University Women (AAUW) has been advocating on behalf of its members for over 125 years. Their work has included developing voter education programs, diversity initiatives in higher education, and hosting the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders. To get some sense of the AAUW's history, visitors may wish to visit their "Online Museum"...
American Planning Association

The discipline and practice of planning includes physical design, economic development, and a myriad of other specialties. The American Planning Association (APA) is perhaps the best known organization in the United States, and their website contains some very fine resources for those already in the field as well as for those who would like to join the field. On the site's homepage, visitors can...
American Radio Works: No Place for a Woman

Many great things have come out of Minnesota, and the fine radio documentary programs developed by American Radio Works fall squarely into that category, in no small part due to their fine investigative journalism and curiosity about the world. Their latest documentary explores the experience of women who came to work in the iron mines of northern Minnesota. The documentary is divided into three...
Campaign 2008: Issue Coverage Tracker

It's already a bit difficult to keep tabs on all of the many presidential candidates for the 2008 race, but the Washington Post has created this very nice issue coverage tracker to help out in this area. Visitors to the site can review press coverage and opinion writing on the various candidates and the major issues here, and they can also add this entire feature to their website or MySpace page,...
Electronic Journal of Sociology

Billed as "the world's first and longest running electronic journal of sociology", the Electronic Journal of Sociology has been in existence in 1994. The Journal's home is at Athabasca University, and persons with an interest in submitting materials for potential inclusion in a future edition of the Journal will want to take a look at their guidelines straight away. Members of the general public...
Higher Education Jobs

For those Scout Report readers who may be looking for a job in the vast world of higher education, the Higher Education Jobs website will be a real find. Online since 1996, the website serves as a clearinghouse of available job opportunities, ranging from such positions as a custodial engineer in a small college in western New York to an assistant professor of Egyptology at a major research...

As spring approaches and numerous college students and others begin to think about their plans for summer and beyond, it seems fitting to revisit the Idealist website. Administered by the nonprofit organization Action Without Borders, this site serves as a portal for anyone interested in a career with a nonprofit organization, volunteering, or internships in a related setting. The homepage is a...
In the Name of Entrepreneurship? The Logic and Effects of Special Regulatory Treatment for Small Business

Released in December 2007, this 368-page report from the RAND Corporation looks at the ways that regulation and the legal system can discourage or encourage the entrepreneurial spirit. Susan Gates, director of the Kauffman-RAND Institute for Entrepreneurship Public Policy remarked, "Unfortunately, some regulations place a disproportionate burden on small businesses. At the same time, exemptions...
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