Part of the ongoing debate about the process of globalization throughout both the developed and developing world is that a good deal of the world's population continues to grow poorer and poorer while a number of international transnational corporations continue to increase their share of the world's assets. There have been a number of efforts to combat poverty in the developing world, including the highly publicized and generally well-received efforts of the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh. One such nonprofit program that has successfully been transplanted from the developing world to the developed world is the ACCION International program of microlending. On its homepage, visitors can learn about the organization's various programs designed to raise people out of poverty through microlending, and also read some key statistics behind its work. For those looking for more detailed information, there is also a publications area, where visitors may download works on topic such as the sustainability of such programs and various "how to" manuals for microentrepreneurs. Many of the publications are available at no charge, and a number of them are also available in Spanish. Finally, visitors may also sign up to receive the ACCION e-News as well.