American filmmaker Julien Bryan set out to chronicle life in Poland and Nazi Germany in the 1930s. His situation became quite precarious when Germany invaded Poland in September 1939, but he remained in order to document the siege of Warsaw. This site was established by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in order to bring some of his images and films to the general public. All told, the...
The materials here explore the history of the Armenian literary tradition, and are among the finer additions to the Library of Congress's online exhibits. These items complement an in site exhibit at the Library which included the first complete Armenian-language printed Bible and a finely illustrated 1962 Soviet edition of the Armenian national epic. The items here are collected into four primary...
The Conflict Archive on the Internet (CAIN) recently added a section to their site that features an archive related to victims, survivors, and commemoration in post-conflict Northern Ireland. The University of Ulster received funds to tackle the task, and it took them two years to complete it. Visitors interested in an enlightening read about who is considered a victim of 'the Troubles' should...
100 leaders chronicles the life and work of 100 men and women who guided the course of history, in one way or another, in countries and cultures around the world. Interestingly, the site does not concentrate its attention only on "great" leaders, but instead examines the example of "significant" leaders, putting a critical eye to both the accomplishments and catastrophes that leaders have wrought...
In 1948, Melville J. Herskovits established the African Studies program at Northwestern University. It was the first of its kind at a major research university in the United States, and since its creation, it has also been actively involved with collecting historic maps of Africa. This particular online collection draws on this legacy of preservation and acquisition, and all told, it contains 113...
Painful memories surface during apology
It's a sorry state of affairs when forgiveness is not the main objective
House of Commons: The Welfare of Former British Child...
France Still Divided Over Lessons of 1968 Unrest [Free registration may be required]
Visiting the ghosts of Paris 1968
Time: Battle of the Sorbonne,9171,838353,00.html
BBC Radio 4: 1968,...
The central claim of this website is that people (both women and men) have been active in science for as long as we have been human, noting that "_Science_ -- the creation of structure for our world -- _technology_ -- the use of structure in our world -- and _mathematics_ -- the common language of structure -- all have been part of our human progress, through every step of our path to the...
Albert Heard, the head of a prominent American trading house in China, once remarked that "Business is too important and interesting not to be chronicled somehow." As it turns out, his own firm, Augustine Heard & Co., chronicled its own activities extensively via a massive collection of descriptive letters and diaries. The company archives are part of the Baker Library collection at the Harvard...
This very interactive and visually stimulating exploration of Polish heritage was created through a unique partnership between The National Library of Poland, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Cultural and National Heritage. Entering the site, visitors will hear a dramatic musical score and a series of sections that allow them to look through the French, Lithuanian, Italian, and...