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A Democracy of Images

In 1983, the Smithsonian American Art Museum began collecting photographs. Today they have over 7000 images and this website offers a wonderful exploration of but a few of their holdings. The title of this collection refers to Walt Whitman's belief that photography was a quintessentially American activity, rooted in everyday people and ordinary things. The visual delights here are divided into...
A Global Map of Human Impacts to Marine Ecosystems

Many people may wonder what happens in the vast stretches of the world's oceans. For some, it is simply a matter of "out of sight, out of mind". Fortunately that is not the attitude at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis at the University of California, Santa Barbara. For one of their latest projects, they decided to estimate and visualize the global impact humans are having...
A History of Concession Development in Yellowstone National Park, 1872-1966

While millions of people visit Yellowstone National Park each year, very few of them will actually pay detailed attention to the various concessions offered around the area, unless of course they are unable to purchase various sundries or crucial items. In this wholly engaging 153-page work, author Mary Shivers Culpin (writing for the National Park Service's Yellowstone Center for Resources),...
A is for Animals: An A to Z of Animals in War

This Australian War Memorial website looks at war from the unique perspective of the animals that were involved, whether by design or as an unfortunate (or fortunate) circumstance. Animals have had important missions during war, served as mascots or morale boosters, while some have caused immense problems for soldiers in the field. Simply clicking on the "Video" or "Audio" tabs, near the top of...
A Literary Map of Maine

Sure, you might know that Longfellow was a member of the literati who called Maine home, but did you know that Robert McCloskey was one as well? In case you might have forgotten, McCloskey was the author and illustrator of those children's classics "Make Way for Ducklings" and "Blueberries for Sal". It's easy to learn about dozens of Maine authors via this delightful website created as part of a...
A look back at the 40th anniversary of Woodstock

Greying flower children make pilgrimage to Woodstock 40 years on Woodstock wasn't everybody's summer of '69 Why is this Woodstock anniversary so...
A Massachusetts Town Moves to Combat Swearing in Public

Town Considers Fine For Cursing Middleborough profanity ban touches a nerve Put $20 in Middleborough's Swear...
A More United Kingdom

How does a nation create a sense of community or national identity? It's no trivial query, and one that countries new and old have struggled with through the ages. The Demos organization's Liam Byrne recently tackled that question in regards to Britain via his thoughtful pamphlet, "A More United Kingdom". Released in September 2008, the 96-page work argues that, "shared standards are the secret to...
A Much Sought After Coffee Emerges From An Unusual Source

From Dung to Coffee Brew With No Aftertaste The Horse Meat of the Coffee World A cup is more than a cup sometimes The Straight Dope: Does kopi luwak...
A Nation Emerges: Sixty-five Years of Photography in Mexico

The Getty Research Library at the Getty Institute has over 600 digitized images of Mexico from its special collections by Mexican, American, and European photographers in a multitude of photographic formats. The earliest is from 1857, and these photographic images document the history of the nation from different perspectives. To get acquainted with a timeline of Mexico starting in 1810 and going...
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