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A is for Animals: An A to Z of Animals in War

This Australian War Memorial website looks at war from the unique perspective of the animals that were involved, whether by design or as an unfortunate (or fortunate) circumstance. Animals have had important missions during war, served as mascots or morale boosters, while some have caused immense problems for soldiers in the field. Simply clicking on the "Video" or "Audio" tabs, near the top of the page, will take visitors to over two dozen silent and sound videos, and one dozen downloadable audio podcasts. Included here are videos from 1916-1918, of Light Horse, the Australian Cavalry unit, as well as the Camel Corps. There are also audio files, which are presented in the form of "A is for Animals", "G is for Gallipoli Donkey", and "N is for Navy Cats". These files explain the role of various animals during wartime, with a youthful flair and a witty sensibility. Teachers interested in using this website as a teaching tool are encouraged to look at the Teacher Resource Kit PDF, accessible at the top right hand side of the homepage. The lessons offer ideas for grade school through secondary school, as well as for families and communities.
Scout Publication
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Date of Scout Publication
May 29th, 2009
Date Of Record Creation
May 29th, 2009 at 9:18am
Date Of Record Release
May 29th, 2009 at 10:33am
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