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(26 classifications) (3562 resources)

Social studies

GEM Subject Classifications
Anthropology (131)
Careers (38)
Civics (285)
Comparative political systems (177)
Criminology (43)
Current events/issues (1,110)
Economics (510)
Geography (412)
Gerontology (12)
History (782)
Human behavior (348)
Human relations (407)
Informal education (127)
Instructional issues (94)
Process skills (2)
Psychology (85)
Social work (24)
Sociology (259)
State history (621)
Technology (204)
Technology and civilization (181)
United States Constitution (27)
United States government (452)
United States history (1,251)
Urban studies (307)
World history (675)


Authors’ group files lawsuit against Google

Authors Guild Sues Google, Citing “Massive Copyright Infringement” Google Blog: Google Print and the Authors Guild Google sticks its finger in the Wi-Fi Pie,39024665,39152509,00.htm The Google Print Library Project: A...
Automobile in American Life and Society

Over the past century or so, the automobile has transformed the American experience in ways that are hard to fully comprehend. This website from the University of Michigan at Dearborn brings together commentary from scholars on the automobile's impact in the areas of environment, design, labor, gender, and race. These commentaries are written by leaders in their fields, including Stephen Meyer,...
Aviation: From Sand Dunes to Sonic Booms

Starting with its rather lyrical title, visitors to this particular National Register of Historic Places Travel Itinerary website will be taken on a breezy and visually stimulating tour of some of the sites that document America’s aviation history. All told, the site provides information about over 100 sites, including airfields, research and testing facilities, and launch and control facilities....
Backgrounder: Council on Foreign Relations

The Council on Foreign Relations provides a number of services for the general public, and in the past they have offered up public discussions, forums, and other outreach activities. In addition, they offer the "Backgrounders" series, which offer succinct explanations of current political and economic issues. First-time users can visit the "Most Recent" area to peruse the latest piece, or they can...
BAD Times

The Black Americans for Democracy (BAD) Times started publication in 1971, growing out of the activist efforts and movement started in the late 1960s on the campus of the University of Arkansas. The BAD organization started life in 1970 in the old student union building on campus, and became well known for their activism and calls for greater integration of student life, university programs, and...
Baijis, a rare Yangtze river dolphin, "now extinct"

Yangtze River Dolphin Yangtze River Alarm sounded for Yangtze River World Conservation Union Red List of Threatened...
Balancing Work and Learning: Implications for Low-Income Students

In August 2018, the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce (Georgetown Center) published a new report examining college students who work while enrolled. This report "explores the impact of hours worked, types of work, and completion rates by education level between low-income and higher-income working learners" and was written by Anthony P. Carnevale, Director of the...
Baltimore Ecosystem Study

Many ecologists work to understand how various parts of a given ecological system work or function with other systems in their vicinity, but relatively few attempt to bring together all of this work with major urban areas. One such impressive project is the Baltimore Ecosystem Study, which aims to understand metropolitan Baltimore as an ecological system; and in doing so, bring together...
Baltimore Ecosystem Study - Education

The Baltimore Ecosystem Study (BES) is an ecological study about "the particularly dynamic and patchy ecosystem type found in and around cities, and enhances ecological understanding by including an ecosystem type rarely studied by ecologists." Visitors will find that the website's "Education" section proposes to answer the question about how urban residents can improve their environment and...
Ban on playing Dungeons & Dragons in prisons upheld

Court upholds ban on inmate playing Dungeons & Dragons The Volokh Conspiracy: 7th Circuit Upholds Prison Rule Forbidding Inmates to Play Dungeons and...
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