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Baltimore Ecosystem Study - Education

The Baltimore Ecosystem Study (BES) is an ecological study about "the particularly dynamic and patchy ecosystem type found in and around cities, and enhances ecological understanding by including an ecosystem type rarely studied by ecologists." Visitors will find that the website's "Education" section proposes to answer the question about how urban residents can improve their environment and daily lives by understanding the dynamics of their ecosystem. In order to find the answer to that question, visitors should click on the "Education Research" link. Here, visitors will find studies under the topics of "Investigations in Ecology Teaching" and "Investigations in Student Thinking and Learning". Visitors will find a brief summary of findings for each of the studies, illustrated by charts and graphs. "The Baltimore Ecosystem Study Demographic and Social Science Research" link at the bottom of the outline contains a colorful 3D map of the existing "canopy & lifestyle" of Baltimore that shows lifestyle classes are related to landscape structure.
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
June 17th, 2011
Date Of Record Creation
June 17th, 2011 at 9:10am
Date Of Record Release
June 17th, 2011 at 8:17pm
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