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United States Constitution (27)
United States government (452)
United States history (1,251)
Urban studies (307)
World history (675)


Alcohol, Temperance & Prohibition

The temperance movement in the United States gained steam in the late 19th century, and by the early 20th century, many political candidates would be asked "Are you 'dry' or 'wet?'" This single issue led to the creation of the 18th Amendment in 1919, which effectively prohibited the manufacturing, sale or transportation of intoxicating liquors. After fourteen years, the 21st Amendment was passed,...
Alexander Allison's New Orleans

An engineer who worked for 59 years at the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans, Louisiana, Alexander Allison was an avid and skillful photographer who donated hundreds of his photographs and negatives dating from the 1890s to the 1950s to the New Orleans Public Library's Louisiana Division. Visitors can view all of the negatives online, though this exhibit is akin to a "best of" feature. It...
Alexander Hamilton: The Man Who Made Modern America

Alexander Hamilton was not only a member of the First Continental Congress but was also a co-author of the Federalist Papers and a vital force behind the ratification of the U.S. Constitution. To honor Hamilton the New York Historical Society has created a special museum exhibit that is due to open in September 2004 at its building in New York City. The actual exhibit is complemented nicely by...
Alexandria Digital Research Library

From UC Santa Barbara Library comes the Alexandria Digital Research Library (ADRL), which hosts the university's diverse collection of digital material. The ADRL originated in the 1990s as the Alexandria Digital Library (ADL), which was dedicated to geospatial information. Today, the repository contains materials from all disciplines and includes "images, text, streamed media, and numeric and...
Alice Weston: Great Houses of Cincinnati

In the 1990s, environmental artist Alice Weston photographed dozens of grand old homes in Cincinnati for the book "Great Houses of the Queen City: Two Hundred Years of Historic and Contemporary Architecture and Interiors in Cincinnati." This digital collection, presented by the University of Cincinnati, brings together 1,400 images taken by Weston, including hundreds of images not included in the...
Allegations of steroid abuse mar start of spring training

The spring training season for major league baseball got underway this past Tuesday, but most of the talk seemed to center around the claims contained within the recent book penned by that proverbial Peck's Bad Boy of baseball, Jose Canseco. In the book, which is named "Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant 'Roids", Smash Hits, and How Baseball Got Big", Canseco claimed that many of his former teammates...
Alliance for Aging Research

Founded in 1986, to "promote medical and behavioral research into the aging process", the Washington D.C.-based Alliance for Aging Research has a website that covers many different "Topics". Visitors can explore general topics, such as "Caregiving", "Longevity", "Medical Innovation", and "Policy", as well as "Focus Areas". The focus areas include "Access to Breakthroughs", "Drug Development",...
Alliance for Community Technology

The exponential growth of the Internet in the late 1990s left many commentators wondering whether or not this new form of communication and information dissemination could in fact bridge certain long-standing divides, and in creating new alliances. One such group that was established to look at these questions was the Alliance for Community Technology (ACT), which was launched in 1997 as part of a...
Allies in Adversity: Australia and the Dutch in the Pacific War

The relationship between the Netherlands and Australia is a rather interesting one, and this was especially true during late 1941, after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. While Japan did not include the Dutch colony of the Netherlands East Indies (contemporary Indonesia) in these opening attacks, Allied planners knew that they would be interested in this area for the wide range of natural resources...
AllPsych Online: The Virtual Psychology Classroom

For instructors or students looking for material on many aspects of psychology, the AllPsych Online site may prove to be indispensable. The site was started in 1999, and it contains eight primary sections which cover everything from classic psychology studies to an extensive reference area. First-time visitors may wish to start by looking through the "Reference" area, which features an expanded...
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