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United States history (1,251)
Urban studies (307)
World history (675)


Map and Geographic Information Center: University of Connecticut

Map libraries are a common feature of many large public universities across the country, and the Map and Geographic Information Center at the University of Connecticut is part of this tradition. Bringing together a combination of current US Geological Survey maps and historical maps of importance, their site is a good place for geographers and other such persons seeking detailed spatial...
Maple Recipe Collection

People in Vermont know a little bit about maple syrup and they can spin syrup and maple sugar into a delightful treat for any occasion. This digital collection of maple-infused recipes comes to the web-browsing public courtesy of the University of Vermont Libraries' Center for Digital Initiatives. All told, there are 49 items here, including recipes by Judith Jones (the cookbook editor for Julia...

Every citizen of the United States (and anyone else with an interest in politics) should take a close look at the website. This rather innovative database brings together three unique data sets including bill texts, legislative voting records, and supporting and opposing interests for each bill. This data allows users to determine the contributions given by interests supporting and...
Mapping Contemporary Challenges to Island Hul'qumi'num Peoples' Territories

History teachers may be interested in this resource, Mapping Contemporary Challenges to Island Hul'qumi'num Peoples' Territories, which "presents a series of interactive maps illustrating the ongoing challenges to the exercise of land, resource and governance rights from development and conservation efforts within Hul'qumi'num peoples' territory." The site combines maps and historical text to...
Mapping for Results: The World Bank

The effective visual representation of key demographic data through the use of dynamic maps is a powerful tool for policymakers, journalists, and others. The World Bank developed such a program in 2010 as part of the Mapping for Results website. So far, their team has analyzed over 2,500 World Bank-financed projects and geo-coded more than 30,000 locations spanning 144 countries. Visitors can look...
Mapping Islamophobia

Mapping Islamophobia is a project headed by Grinnell College history and religious studies professor Caleb Elfenbein, with contributions from a number of Grinnell College students and technical support from Mike Conner. The project utilizes a series of powerful interactive maps that document incidents of violence, discrimination, and bias targeting Muslim individuals and communities in the United...
Mapping Medieval Townscapes: A Digital Atlas of the New Towns of Edward I

In the waning decades of the 13th century, King Edward I was concerned with several things in his kingdom. While England was growing more prosperous, he was also concerned about the rising trend towards urbanization and about the Welsh. In an effort to deal with both situations, Edward proposed the creation of a group of "new towns" in both Wales and other parts of the kingdom. Out of this desire...
Mapping Militant Organizations

This research project based at Stanford University "traces the evolution of militant organizations and the interactions that develop between them over time." The project was funded by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Defense Minerva Initiative, and was completed under the direction of Dr. Martha Crenshaw. The purpose of the project is "to identify patterns in the evolution of...
Mapping Student Debt

Over the past several years student loan debt has emerged as an issue for many, and in August 2017 the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released a report stating among its findings that approximately 44 million Americans collectively owe a staggering total of more than $1.4 trillion in student debt. Mapping Student Debt is a project that explores the geography of this debt burden and "[shows]...
Mapping the African American Past

The Mapping the African American Past (MAAP) project, produced by a team of researchers and specialists at Columbia University, offers a marriage of African American history and geography in New York City. The project was funded by JPMorganChase, and it allows users to navigate through sites of importance to the African American community throughout the city's past. New visitors may wish to start...
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