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Intelligent Designs on Evolution

Recently, many interested parties have taken up the debate surrounding intelligent design and the teaching of evolution in public schools. While it can be hard to sort through the vast debates surrounding these issues, the good people at American Radio Works have created this thoughtful and introspective website that explores some of the issues surrounding this important topic. Under the careful...
Interactive Dig Black Sea: The Pisa Wreck

The Crimea has been a gathering point for centuries, and among those who have gathered in the region include Italian merchants, pirates, and in recent years, holiday makers from Russia. The Black Sea also serves as the last resting place for a number of ships, some of which were the victims of various sea battles. One such ship sunk in 1277 as a result of just such a military action, and most...
Interactive Dig Sagalassos: City in the Clouds

At the beginning of the 18th century, Sagalassos, City in the Clouds, was discovered in Turkey. Upon first seeing the ruined city, Paul Lucas, on a mission for Louis XIV, described the ruined city as someplace once inhabited by fairies. Over a century later, the preserved ruins of Sagalassos were considered indispensable by students of antiquity, and in modern times, the site has been excavated...
Interactive Dig: El Carrizal

Located in south-central Veracruz state, the El Carrizal site in Mexico is one of the latest archaeological excavation sites profiled on the Archaeology magazine website. Offered as part of their "Interactive Dig" series, this particular dig started in 2009, and the team leading the work here includes dedicated archaeologists from Mexico and other parts of Latin America, and a clutch of local high...
Interactive Dig: Hierakonpolis

During the past few years, Archaeology Magazine has seen fit to document a number of very worthwhile archaeological digs from across the globe. In recent years, the magazine has been out looking for shipwrecks off the Crimea Peninsula and searching for evidence of George Washington’s career as a whiskey distiller at Mount Vernon. Its most recent online feature will take visitors to Hierakonpolis,...
Interactive: Locating American Manufacturing

Where are America's manufacturing jobs located? It's a timely question for policy makers, politicians, and other wonkish types. This interactive feature from the Brookings Institution provides interested parties with a way to explore the geography of manufacturing in the United States. The materials on the site are divided into eight sections, including Why It Matters, Basic Geography, Industry...
Interagency Council on Homelessness

Given the complex nature of addressing such a broad problem as that of homelessness, it is not so surprising that there exists a federal initiative in the United States to collaborate on "out of the box" approaches to alleviating this situation. In 1987, with the passage of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act, Congress established the Interagency Council on Homelessness in order to...
Interest in preserving endangered languages thrives on college campuses

Many groups around the globe are concerned with languages that seem to be slowly fading out of existence, whether they be spoken in Africa or Europe. Government efforts have helped out a number of languages during the past several decades and the role of various institutions of higher education should not be underestimated as well. One rather interesting program that has been in the news recently...
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre

The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) was established twelve years ago in the hope that they would "raise awareness of the plight of internally displaced people (IDP), point to gaps in national and international responses and promote solutions reflecting international standards and best practices." The Centre also keeps a database of 50 countries in which people have been displaced...
International Association for Identification

The International Association for Identification (IAI) is the world's oldest and largest criminal identification organization. In 2005, the IAI selected the West Virginia University Libraries to house its priceless research library due in part to the institution's program in the field of forensic and investigative sciences education. The collection is rather fascinating, containing over 3,000...
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