During the past few years, Archaeology Magazine has seen fit to document a number of very worthwhile archaeological digs from across the globe. In recent years, the magazine has been out looking for shipwrecks off the Crimea Peninsula and searching for evidence of George Washington’s career as a whiskey distiller at Mount Vernon. Its most recent online feature will take visitors to Hierakonpolis, which is a crucial site for understanding the foundations of Egyptian civilization. The site is located approximately 400 miles south of Cairo, and happens to be the largest site of its kind from the Pre- and Protodynastic period, which lasted from 3800 to 3100 B.C. In the From the Field section, visitors can view essays that detail the various finds and discoveries of the past three years, complemented with some illustrative photographs and diagrams. Visitors who would like to know more about the participants on this dig should check out the staff profiles area and continue on to learn about some of the special meals that they experienced while they were in the field.