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BBC News: Mathematicians Crochet Chaos

This article from BBC News discusses how two mathematicians made a crochet model of chaos. The mathematicians, whose research focuses on developing a computer model to describe complex surfaces, were able to represent the Lorenz equations using 25,511 crochet stitches. The pattern was published in the journal Mathematics Intelligencer and the mathematicians are challenging others to repeat the...
Boston University: Dynamical Systems and Technology Project

The Dynamical Systems and Technology Project brought to you by the Department of Mathematics at Boston University and the National Science Foundation offers resources for teaching chaos and fractals. The website includes a number of Java applets and several interactive papers "designed to help teachers and students understand the mathematics behind such topics as iterated function systems (the...
Caltech Control and Dynamical Systems (CDS)

The Caltech Control and Dynamical Systems (CDS) program provides training in mathematics, dynamics, and control, applied in the areas of science and engineering. The website describes the program's theoretical and applied research. It provides links to websites of selected multi-investigator projects such as Software Enabled Control (DARPA), Institute for Quantum Information (NSF), Quantum...
Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS)

Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS) is a collaborative project between Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Princeton University, AT&T Labs - Research, Bell Labs, Telcordia Technologies, and NEC Laboratories America. Affiliate members include Avaya Labs, HP Labs, IBM Research, and Microsoft Research. Their focus is on the development, application and...
Center on Education and The Workforce - STEM

Occupations in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) "will only be 5 percent of all jobs in the U.S. economy by 2018," according to the Center on Education and the Workforce of Georgetown University. However, such occupations "are critical to our continued economic competitiveness because of their direct ties to innovation, economic growth, and productivity." Visitors will find...
Chaos Hypertextbook

High school teacher Glenn Elert wrote the original edition of the Chaos Hypertextbook for his M.S. degree in secondary science education at Teachers College, Columbia University. After graduation, Elert put the hypertext on the Internet for the benefit of people interested in mathematics, chaos, non-linear dynamics, and fractals. While the hypertext does require some mathematical knowledge, it is...
Clay Mathematics Institute: High School Colloquium

Clay Mathematics Institute (CMI) sponsors the Clay Mathematics Research Academy to "inspire young people with the thrill of working on the frontiers of mathematical research." Each year, twelve high school students are recruited and a Colloquium is held at CMI headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts. After the intense 8-day seminar, participants continue their work using iResearch, a web-based...
Concepts and Applications of Inferential Statistics

A professor of psychology at Vassar College is the author of this impressive online statistics textbook. Seventeen chapters and numerous appendixes range in topic from beginning concepts to what would likely be covered in a second or intermediate course in statistics. Easy to navigate, the online interface provides quick access to all sections of the book, and some of the book's material is...
Courant Institute: Applied Mathematics Laboratory

The Applied Mathematics Lab of the Courant Institute is an interdisciplinary research lab, combining applied mathematics, physics, and biology in experimental research and educational laboratory demonstration. The lab is described as "an arena where mathematical theory and numerical simulation collide with experimental observation and measurement." Project descriptions and research papers are...
Curious Math

The author of Curious Math, Clay Ford, enjoys mathematics. While Ford claims not to be an expert by any means he maintains a fun website full of math tricks and trivia. Examples of postings include how to "quickly square a number that ends in 5" and "why the number 153 in the Bible is such an interesting number." Visitors can search a particular subject or browse the Math Topics, which are...
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