This distributed computing project hopes to add to the list of known Fermat number divisors. After downloading the required software, anyone willing to contribute their computer's idle time can take part in the project. Users that succeed in finding a divisor will be recognized on the site. There are further resources on this Web site than just the program. For instance, the main page offers an...
Datamash is a command-line utility that can validate and perform summary analysis on text format data files such as CSV and tab-delimited. It can compute a number of descriptive statistics (for example, mean, median, and standard deviation) and even includes a number of statistical tests to determine if data were drawn from a normal distribution. It can perform cross-tabulation on the input to...
Two mathematics professors at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are the authors of Macaulay 2, a powerful software tool that supports "research in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra." The Macaulay 2 home page offers the program's source code free for download, which can be compiled under the UNIX, Windows, or Macintosh operating systems. There is also extensive online...
This British website developed by Earl Fife or Larry Husch provides a database of information on Applied Mathematics. Visitors can search by keyword or scroll through by topics, such as History of Mathematics, Industrial Mathematics, Linear & Nonlinear Programming, Multivariable Calculus, or Ordinary Differential Equations among others. Icons let you know how the websites present the information...
Artists throughout the millennia have shown a strong affinity for creating works of art that incorporate patterns derived from areas of mathematical inquiry such as representations of infinity, symmetry, and tessellations. Recently, the American Mathematical Society created this website to let the general public view materials related to the relationship between mathematics and art, and it is...
Ever tried to type the curl of a vector field? Without the help of mathematics display platforms like MathJax, it is not easy or pretty. Created through the collaborative efforts of the American Mathematical Society, Design Science, Inc., and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, MathJax is the best source for visually displaying math online. Before downloading the free...
Math Player is a browser plug-in that supports MathML, an XML-based language used to encode mathematical symbols and equations for displaying on the Web. Developed by Design Science, the software can be downloaded for free at this site.
Developed by mathematicians at the University of Kaiserslautern in Germany, Singular is a "Computer Algebra System for polynomial computations with special emphasis on the needs of commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, and singularity theory." The software is available for free online in Windows, Macintosh, and UNIX versions. The authors of Singular offer extensive documentation, examples, and...
Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) promotes a contest for anyone who can find the largest prime number. On November 17, 2003 Michael Shafer's computer, in conjunction with an international grid of 211,000 networked computers found the 40th known Mersenne prime, 220,996,011-1! In addition to articles about this new finding, the website provides a link that allows you to view all 6,320,430...
WebMath, created by Physics PhD Tom Bensky, is an online program that instantly solves a wide variety of mathematical problems. A fill-in form lets users type in polynomials, quadratic equations, radical expressions, or almost any common mathematical expression. Click on the solve button, and WebMath gives back the desired solution complete with steps taken to arrive at the answer. The program is...