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"Just the Maths"

Developed by a retired mathematics professor from Coventry University, this website "is a collection of separate units, in chronological topic-order, intended to service foundation level and first year degree level courses in higher education, especially those delivered in a modular style." Although there are separate sections for students and teachers, both contain essentially the same...
A Modern History of Blacks in Mathematics

Dr. Scott W. Williams, a Professor of Mathematics at the State University of New York at Buffalo, maintains this webpage, which provides a Modern History of Blacks in Mathematics. In addition to a timeline highlighting key figures in mathematics, the author also considers the greatest Black Mathematicians, The First African American Women in Mathematics, The First Africans, and Other Important...
Allen Hatcher

Allen Hatcher is a professor of mathematics at Cornell University. On his home page, he offers a link to download his book Algebraic Topology in its entirety. Published in 2002, the book is over 500 pages in length and is free to anyone wanting a personal copy. In addition to Algebraic Topology, there are three other books that are work-in-progress. Despite being incomplete, they could be useful...
AMS: Current Events in Mathematics

The American Mathematical Society organized the Special Session on Current Events at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in Atlanta in 2005. Posted here are the talks presented at the session. The papers include, The Green-Tao Theorem on Primes in Arithmetic Progression: A Dynamical Point of View, by Bryna Kra; Achieving the Shannon Limit: A Progress Report, by Robert McEliece; Floer Theory and Low...
AMS: Math in the Media

Math in the Media is a monthly publication of the American Mathematical Society. Writer Tony Phillips reviews and summarizes stories about math found in publications such as the New York Times and Time magazine. Another section includes reviews of books, plays, movies and television shows that are related to mathematics. Also featured is an “image of the month” and regular feature column from...
An Introduction to Egyptian Mathematics

A former mathematics professor at the University of Surrey has created this webpage as an introduction to ancient Egyptian mathematics. Specifically, the site focuses on "how the Egyptians of 5000 years ago worked with fractions." While the methodology is somewhat peculiar, it is very clearly explained and anyone with an understanding of modern fractions should have no problem learning the...
Articles for Educators

Articles For Educators is a free resource offered by Virtu Software. On this website, teachers will find lesson plans, field trip ideas, tips and tricks for the classroom written by educators. Visitors can browse the directory of articles by subject or search for a specific topic. This section highlights Mathematics lesson plans written by math teachers and is organized into the following main...
ArXiv: Math

ArXiv is an e-print service owned, operated and funded by Cornell University, and partially funded by the National Science Foundation. The database includes articles online in the fields of physics, mathematics, nonlinear science, computer science, and quantitative biology. From the Mathematics section, visitors can search for related articles on topics by using an online search form with various...
Association of Teachers of Mathematics: Resources OnLine

The Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM), based in the United Kingdom, "believes in providing teachers with the resources to help them develop their mathematics teaching in creative and broad-thinking ways." This section on Resources OnLine offers a variety of resources, some of which are available only by purchase online. Some of the free online resources include sample files and...
Balanced Assessment in Mathematics

The Harvard Graduate School of Education has assembled over 300 "innovative mathematics assessment tasks," and they can be viewed for free at this site. The tasks present the student with a scenario and ask a series of questions based on the information provided. They are separated into five different grade levels from kindergarten to twelfth grade, with one additional category for...
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