Visitors to CareerZone website will notice right away that it was designed with teenagers in mind. It's "an innovative online career exploration and planning system designed... [to] mak [e] career exploration and planning fun and easy." This website from the New York Department of Labor doesn't just tell teenagers to study the STEM subjects to get a career in the STEM fields: it goes one step...
Minnesota's iSeek website "works with the state's workforce development and education authorities to develop and inform policy and to strategize services for career planning, education and e-learning, and workforce development." But the resources on the STEM Careers and Skills section of the site aren't just for those people living in Minnesota; this section provides all visitors the opportunity...
What can one do with a math degree? Quite a bit as it turns out, and this excellent website from the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) provides a wide set of resources for those persons interested in the subject. This site contains information developed by math majors at Brigham Young University, a set of MAA Math classified ads, and career profiles. In the "Career Profiles" area, visitors...
Published by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, Pi in the Sky has the goals of "promoting mathematics, (...) increasing the involvement of high school students in mathematical activities, and promoting careers in mathematical sciences." Released online on roughly a biannual basis, the periodical can be freely downloaded from this site. The March 2003 issue contains articles about...
The Sloan Career Cornerstone Center is "a non-profit resource center for those exploring career paths in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics." For each discipline the website provides students a sense for what it's like to be a mathematician, engineer, or technician in industry, business, or government. The website includes a collection of profiles of individuals working in these...
In difficult economic times, many people begin to consider switching careers. One way to find out about new career pathways in the fields of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, computing, or healthcare is to listen to a few of these podcasts provided by the Sloan Career Cornerstone Center (SCCC). The SCCC is a non-profit resource sponsored by organizations including the Alfred P. Sloan...
The Freudenthal Institute is part of Utrecht University in the Netherlands and conducts research on math education. The goals are "to understand and improve the teaching of arithmetic and mathematics at all levels, but particularly in kindergarten, primary, secondary and vocational education." The Freudenthal Institute has developed a theoretical approach known as Realistic Mathematics Education,...
In response to a Congressional mandate, this report released last week examines "the extent to which males and females have access to the same educational opportunities." The report gives data, primarily from NCES surveys, involving 44 indicators of equality in education opportunities, success, and outcomes. The data show that while the large gap in educational attainment that once existed between...