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BAM! Radio Network

BAM! (body and mind) Radio started out in 2007 as a single online radio program aimed at parents who were interested in encouraging a healthy body and a healthy mind in their children. It has since expanded and now features four distinct yet related stations: Educators Radio, EdTech Radio, Leaders Radio, and Parents Radio. Users can find a good deal of content on the homepage, including episodes...
Center on Reinventing Public Education

It would seem that it is impossible to avoid the constant hand-wringing that goes on in academic and popular circles about the problems faced by most, if not all, major urban school districts across the United States. The Center on Reinventing Public Education at the University of Washington's Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs has been preoccupied with that question since 1993, and has...
Commercialism in Education Research Unit

The Arizona State University’s College of Education has a distinguished record of conducting important research through its numerous research centers and institutes. One of these groups is the Commercialism in Education Research Unit (CERU), which was formerly located at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. The CERU conducts research about commercial activities in schools, and its staff members...
Consortium for Policy Research in Education

Created in an effort "to improve elementary and secondary education through practical research," the Consortium for Policy Research in Education (CPRE), brings together researchers and scholars from the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard University, Stanford University, the University of Michigan, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. From the main page visitors can learn about the...
Council of the Great City Schools

Founded in 1956, the Council of the Great City Schools "serves as the national voice for urban educators, providing ways to share promising practices and address common concerns." The Council itself is a coalition of 60 of the United States' largest urban public school systems, and advocates on behalf of students through legislation, research, and management designed to improve the educational...
Education for the 21st Century: UNESCO

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was founded in 1945 on the premise that, in addition to political and economic agreements, "peace must be established on the basis of humanity's moral and intellectual solidarity." UNESCO's goals include advocating for quality education for every child on the planet, building intercultural understanding, pursuing...
Education Today: The OECD Perspective

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has always maintained a strong interest in the educational state of affairs among its member nations, and this report from March 2009 offers a bit of insight into their work on everything from student performance to educational spending and equity in education. The 99-page report is based on results from OECD work produced since...
Edutopia: Teacher Development

As the Edutopia site notes, "High-quality teaching is vital for student success." Created by the George Lucas Educational Foundation, this section of the Edutopia site presents readers with a plethora of information on Teacher Development. Educators, as well as anyone interested in the art and science of good teaching, may like to begin with the Overview section of the site. Here, a short...
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)

The landscape of higher education (and, in particular, its funding schemes) in Britain is quite complex. And given recent developments it is likely to become even more variegated in the coming years. One way to stay abreast of these important developments is through consulting the Higher Education Funding Council (HEFCE) website, which is the agency responsible for making decisions about how much...
Houghton Mifflin: Beyond the Book

Offered by the educational publisher Houghton Mifflin, the Beyond the Book website is meant to be "an online leadership forum for superintendents and educators nationwide, dedicated to helping every child learn and every child succeed." The website is divided into sections where visitors can read about case studies written by "inspiring superintendents and teachers from across the country,"...
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