The Chronicle of Higher Education has developed a wide range of blogs over the past few years, and this site brings them together in one place for the curious public. The Complete Chronicle Blog Guide is a must-visit for new visitors. Here visitors can learn about the contents of each blog and its general thematic focus. In total, there are sixteen blogs, including "Next," "ProfHacker," and...
The British Library is one of the world's great libraries and its blogs are quite excellent as well. These streams of thought and commentary are crafted by curators, subject specialists, and guest bloggers and on any given day might include "Jokes for David Frost," "Dogs: Medieval Man's Best Friend," and thoughts on Shakespeare's "Measure for Measure." All told, there are over a dozen blogs here...
Started in 2005, Edublogs has grown to include almost 60,000 blogs started by people all over the world. The Edublogs site can be used by anyone to create blogs with education content, and most school filters will allow their software to run correctly. The site includes a video introduction on how to get started, and teachers will appreciate that Edublogs includes discussion tools, video...
The Edublogger, which serves as the community blog for Edublogs and CampusPress, is designed to help educational bloggers with emerging technologies in education. For readers who don't blog about education, there is still plenty of usable content on the site. Recent posts have included a mini how-to course on infographics, tips for getting students engaged in their classes through blogging, and a...
The Open Faculty Patchbook is a digital quilt sewn from pedagogical knowledge for college teaching and learning, created "for faculty, by faculty." A patch of the quilt is a book chapter - hence the name "patch book." Each patch was created by an individual faculty member about one pedagogical skill, such as co-teaching, assessment, instructional design, or self care. A patch represents that...