New centers and institutes dedicated to the proposition of bridging the gulf between pedagogy and technological advances in the college classroom are nothing new, but The Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship (CNDLS) is definitely one of the leaders in this important area. Based at Georgetown University, CNDLS was started in 2000 and is primarily concerned with promoting "discovery,...
The U.S. Dept. of Education sponsors this Doing What Works website, which focuses on pedagogy in order to assist this nation's teachers in finding what are likely to be effective methods of teaching. To see the areas of study that are covered on the website, look to the top left side of the page. You'll find "Early Childhood Education", "English Language Learners", "Math and Science", and...
The George Lucas Educational Foundation (GLEF), which "documents and disseminates information about exemplary programs in K-12 schools to help these practices spread nationwide" provides this website, Edutopia. The website and the organization's magazine and documentaries are intended to "celebrate the unsung heroes across our nation who are making 'Edutopia' a reality." Recognizing that for...
Readers are likely familiar with the term "life-long learner," but what about the people teaching those learners? Educators are life-long learners, too, and perfecting teaching skills is an equally endless process. Algonquin College's Professor of the 21st Century hub serves as a resource to educators, providing tools to expand seven key competency areas. These competency areas engulf topics such...
Offering unique perspectives on education and educators, the PsychSessions podcast is a must-listen for those in the teaching and learning community. The podcast is co-hosted by Garth Neufeld and Eric Landrum, who invite guests on the show from across educational and vocational sectors. Together, they explore "what it means to be an educator," and share perspectives on other relevant topics. In...
The scholars at the Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College have created this set of Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT) resources designed for the busy educator. Visitors can learn how to use these resources in a range of different disciplines, including biology, chemistry, economics, and the history of photography. Additionally, there is a list of general resources, such as...
Promoting the use of the internet and technology in education is not new. However, the use of technology, especially videos and web-based discussion groups, for teacher professional development is a recent development, spurring interest from state education policy makers, school districts and the technology industry giants. Some examples of these developments and issues to consider are examined in...
As a result of the kind donations of Andrew Carnegie in 1905, and chartered in 1906 by an Act of Congress, the aim of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching is "to do and perform all things necessary to encourage, uphold, and dignify the profession of the teacher and the cause of higher education." While it would seem that this is a rather indomitable set of tasks, the Carnegie...
Most colleges and universities have resource centers where graduate students and professors can learn more about the craft of teaching. The University of Virginia's Center for Teaching Excellence is dedicated to "committed conversation about teaching at all levels and in all academic disciplines." On the site, visitors can look over seven sections, including Programs, Workshops, Consultations,...
Established in 1964, the Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER) at the University of Wisconsin, is one of the oldest and largest university-based education research and development centers. With annual funding exceeding $25 million from a variety of sources (such as the National Science Foundation), WCER employs close to 350 faculty, staff, and graduate students working at one of the many...