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Elections -- United States -- President -- 2000.


Frontline: The Choice 2000

According to the polls, many Americans have yet to make up their minds about who they will vote for next Tuesday in the Presidential race. This Website could help them decide. The companion site to a recent two-hour Frontline special on the backgrounds and character of Al Gore and George W. Bush, The Choice offers the entire broadcast in RealPlayer as well as significant additional materials....
One Week Before the Election, Nader's Potential Impact Looms Large

Over the weekend, Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate Joe Lieberman urged Nader-supporters to consider that a vote for Nader could well end up giving George W. Bush the White House. Lieberman was echoing the thoughts of a growing number of liberals, including Gloria Steinem and the presidents of the Sierra Club and the National Organization for Women, who are stumping for Gore in selected...
Revisiting the Florida Vote

Results of the latest study on the Florida presidential vote were released this week, and while the National Opinion Research Center (NORC), who conducted the study, explains that "the goal of the project is not to declare a 'winner,'" stories in various news organs announced that Bush would still have won, even with a recount of the state. Meanwhile, the House Committee on Administration sent a...
Supreme Court May Decide Election

A ruling is expected today from the US Supreme Court on Governor Bush's challenge to the Florida Supreme Court's ruling last Friday calling for an immediate manual recount of all "undervotes" in Florida counties in the Presidential election. On Saturday, the high court granted a stay by a 5-4 vote to the Governor that stopped the recount pending a decision by the court. In an unusual move for a...
Youth, Voting & the 2000 Election

Last week, the Kaiser Family Foundation and MTV published online the results of their election-year survey of 800 18-24 year olds. The survey found that substantially fewer young people were planning to vote in the upcoming elections than the national adult average (46% to 64%). The top three reasons cited for not planning to vote were "a lack of information on the candidates (60%); the belief...