Over the weekend, Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate Joe Lieberman urged Nader-supporters to consider that a vote for Nader could well end up giving George W. Bush the White House. Lieberman was echoing the thoughts of a growing number of liberals, including Gloria Steinem and the presidents of the Sierra Club and the National Organization for Women, who are stumping for Gore in selected toss-up states. Such concerns are justified by recent polling data that give Nader sufficient support in states like Washington, Oregon, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan to tip the balance from Gore to Bush, assuming, as most polls show, that Nader draws more from potential Gore voters than potential Bush voters. In this same vein, some earlier prominent, Nader-led activists, dubbed "Nader's Raiders," have shifted their loyalties and, at the prospect of a Bush presidency, turned to Gore. But the Green Party's candidate is himself undeterred, stating frankly on ABC News's This Week Sunday that "if he [Gore] cannot defeat the bumbling Texas governor with that horrific record, what good is he? It should be a slam dunk." Analysts are divided over whether would-be Nader voters will break at the last minute for Gore, accepting the thinking of democratic leaders that only a vote for a potential winner means anything, or whether they will stick with Nader, using their vote, it would seem, to express a fundamental dissatisfaction with the current political system.