According to the polls, many Americans have yet to make up their minds about who they will vote for next Tuesday in the Presidential race. This Website could help them decide. The companion site to a recent two-hour Frontline special on the backgrounds and character of Al Gore and George W. Bush, The Choice offers the entire broadcast in RealPlayer as well as significant additional materials. Among these are issue briefs from Frontline on the candidates's stands on issues such as abortion, health care, education, the environment, campaign finance reform, and others, as well as supplemental video interviews with friends and family of the candidates and a photo gallery of both candidates from birth to the present. A Tools for Choice feature invites visitors to take a 20-question quiz to find out which candidate, including Nader and Buchanan, better reflects their views and offers links to NPR and Newshour stories about the "Nader Factor," the candidates's economic plans, the decision process for undecideds in the battleground state of Ohio, and a review of the candidates's Websites, entitled WWW.Dull.