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Technology -- Social aspects

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Study and teaching (4)


Lemelson-MIT Invention Index Study

In January 2004 Lemelson-MIT released results from their annual Invention Index Study, which measures Americans' attitudes towards invention. This news release highlights the study findings, methodology and background about the study. The nationally representative survey found that "the cell phone is the invention they most hate but cannot live without" -- just slightly more hated than the alarm...

In a matter of speaking, Mashable brings together the good, interesting, strange, and "other" of the web together in one place. With its easy to use interface, Mashable brings together the top-trending new stories from the world of social media, business, technology, and entertainment. Visitors can use one of the three tabs on the top of the homepage to get started, and they can also look at the...
MIT: Cell Phone Technology to Prevent Those Embarassing Moments

Researchers at the MIT Media Lab's MIThril project propose a solution to "the social and safety problems" associated with cell phones. Specifically, they are designing a prototype phone that can determine the user's circumstances or context, so the phone can respond appropriately. This "context aware phone could automatically switch profiles when the user enters a restaurant, sits in the driver's...
National Academies of Sciences: Science, Technology, and Economic Policy (STEP)

The Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy (STEP) is charged with integrating "understanding of scientific, technological, and economic elements in the formulation of national policies." The website highlights recent projects, including Intellectual Property Rights in the Knowledge-Based Economy, Government-Industry Partnerships for the Development of New Technologies, Tracking...
NativeWeb site and mailing list

NativeWeb, a rich source of information and documents about indigenous peoples, has moved to a new location and has been expanded since we reported on it last year. The site seeks to "provide a cyber-place for Earth's indigenous peoples." The site at present provides pointers to North and South American indigenous peoples' resources, and promises in future to provide sources for Asia and Africa....
Pew Report: Parenting Children in the Age of Screens

Parents and caregivers know that technology use and screen time limits are highly debated topics. As many schools and services move online in light of COVID-19, readers may find themselves modifying their children's technology policy. This report, Parenting Children in the Age of Screens, may provide insights (and comfort in knowing many others are considering the challenges of technology and...
R. Buckminster Fuller Digital Collection

It is hard to classify R. Buckminster Fuller, but at the very least, it is fair to say he was an architect, a planner, an engineer, an inventor, and a Renaissance man in the best sense of the phrase. With support from the Save America's Treasures Program, Stanford University has seen fit to digitally reformat a wide range of very valuable audio and video materials culled from their R. Buckminster...
Techies by Necessity, Not by Choice

This article and accompanying lesson plan from the New York Times Learning Network examines how consumers have self educated themselves about technology, especially in regard to computer applications and networking. Even if a person does not work in a technical field, he or she is still likely to operate computers on a regular basis. The infeasibility of seeking professional training has resulted...
The British National Museum of Science and Industry: Ingenious

The British National Museum of Science and Industry (NMSI) hosts the Ingenious website, which "brings together images and viewpoints to create insights into science and culture." Visitors can read articles covering over 30 topics, including travelling, communication, and the environment. The entries are organized so you can explore topics further. For example, the section on Understanding our...
The Engines of Our Ingenuity

This website is from the public radio program The Engines of Our Ingenuity, which has been airing on the radio from the University of Houston for 20 years. The radio show is about the human inventiveness that informs our culture and it's no wonder the program has been on the air for so long, as such a topic seems inexhaustible. Because the show is only available on 30 public radio stations,...
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