It is hard to classify R. Buckminster Fuller, but at the very least, it is fair to say he was an architect, a planner, an engineer, an inventor, and a Renaissance man in the best sense of the phrase. With support from the Save America's Treasures Program, Stanford University has seen fit to digitally reformat a wide range of very valuable audio and video materials culled from their R. Buckminster Fuller Collection. First-time visitors will need to create a login password before accessing the materials, but never fear, as it only takes a moment. After that, they will have complete access to all the materials within the collection. It's not a bad idea to start by looking through the "Browse" area first, and here they will find interviews with Fuller, along with the "Being with Bucky" seminars. Those who are completely unfamiliar with Fuller's work may wish to start by clicking on the "Exploring Bucky" area. Here they can read over brief answers to "Who was Bucky Fuller?" and "What is a geodesic dome?" For architects, engineers, and many others, this collection will be quite a find.