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Pew Report: Parenting Children in the Age of Screens

Parents and caregivers know that technology use and screen time limits are highly debated topics. As many schools and services move online in light of COVID-19, readers may find themselves modifying their children's technology policy. This report, Parenting Children in the Age of Screens, may provide insights (and comfort in knowing many others are considering the challenges of technology and parenting). Based on data from a March 2020 survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, the report finds "a majority of parents in the United States (66 percent) ... say that parenting is harder today than it was 20 years ago, with many in this group citing technology as a reason why." The main page summarizes the other major findings of the study. For example, the majority of those surveyed felt that children under age 12 should not have their own smartphone. Concerns are not limited to children. Many parents also reported worries that their own technology use "can get in the way of spending quality time with their children." Those surveyed cited many information sources that form their screen time opinions, including healthcare professionals, educators, and social media. The following pages analyze more specific data, including "parental views about YouTube," and "parenting approaches and concerns related to digital devices." The report, published in July 2020, was compiled by a research team including Brooke Auxier, Monica Anderson, Andrew Perrin, and Erica Turner.
Archived Scout Publication URL
Scout Publication
Date Issued
July 28th, 2020
Date of Scout Publication
September 11th, 2020
Date Of Record Creation
August 24th, 2020 at 1:13pm
Date Of Record Release
August 27th, 2020 at 1:57pm
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