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Economic policy

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Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

The site informs visitors about Japan's current economic policies. Reports available include the plans to reform the economic structure, trade issues, and the 1997 White Paper on International Trade which looks at trends in world trade and long-term issues concerning Japanese trade and industry. A collection of chronologically sorted press releases, transcripts of press conferences, statistics on...
OECD Economics: Free Online Working Papers

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has made selected working papers from the Economics Department available for downloading. The working papers cover a wide range of macroeconomic issues such as inflation, monetary policy and unemployment. Most of the papers have some policy implications for OECD member countries.
Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (last reviewed for May 6, 2005 Scout Report)

The Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) has a rather distinguished pedigree, as one of the prime instigators who lobbied for its creation was noted statesman and economist George Schultz. He, along with others, wished to create a center at Stanford where economic scholars could come together to discuss their research, and in 1982, SIEPR was born. While economists will certainly...
Understanding the World Macroeconomy

Understanding the World Economy is provided by Nouriel Roubini, Associate Professor of Economics and International Business at the Stern School of Business, New York University for his MBA Macroeconomics course. The aim of the course is to review and analyze current macroeconomic issues from the viewpoint of businesses and policymakers. The highlight of the web site is the collection of lecture...
United Nations Economic and Social Council (Last reviewed in the Scout Report on April 23, 1999)

Established under the United Nations Charter, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) serves as the principal organ "to coordinate economic, social, and related work of the 14 UN specialized agencies, functional commissions, and five regional commissions." First-time visitors may wish to start by clicking on "President's". Here they can learn about the key issues addressed by the ECOSOC, which...
World Policy Institute

The World Policy Institute, located within the New School University since 1991, is concerned with promoting and engaging the public debate and scholarship surrounding international diplomacy and world politics. As such, the Institute seeks to "offer innovative policy proposals for public debate with the goal of developing an internationalist consensus on the measures needed for the management of...
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