The Index of Economic Freedom is published annually by the Wall Street Journal and The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank whose stated mission is to "formulate and promote... the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense." The 2015 rankings break countries into five categories based on a cumulative...
A number of research institutes are concerned with issues of social and economic justice, and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) is perhaps one of the best known institutes working in these fields of endeavor. Founded in 1980, the Centre works "to enrich democratic dialogue and ensure Canadians know there are workable solutions to the issues we face." A good place to start...
Based at the Hoover Institution since 2001, Policy Review has been around for over a century, and is edited by Tod Lindberg. The journal is based in Washington, DC, and visitors with a penchant for dialogues about politics and policy will enjoy browsing through issues here. Visitors can start by looking at the current issue, or they can browse past issues by topic, author, or date. The topical...
Policy Brief is a recent addition to OECD's publications that contains information that highlights different aspects of the Organization's work. Issue 1 discusses electronic commerce, and Issue 2 the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI). Explanations of the issue and OECD's involvement with it are provided in the form of brief answers to a series of questions.
The World Bank has released the November 1997 issue of Poverty Lines, a newsletter that summarizes current research studies on poverty. The latest issue looks at how public works programs can help people who are poor.
The first Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Observer, published bimonthly and available in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format only, covers various international economic and social issues. Recent issues have highlighted electronic commerce, globalization, and regulation. Each issue features an article that discusses the economy of an individual country. The Observer is available in...
The World Bank has recently added full-text journal articles to its Website. The World Bank Research Observer is geared towards non-specialist readers who have an interested in bank research. It includes articles on such matters as development economics, new World Bank research, and development policy. The World Bank Economic Review is a professional journal, published three times a year, that...
World Economic Forum is a nonprofit organization dedicated to "economic growth and social progress." The forum is located in Geneva, Switzerland, and its members include those in business, politics, and the academic world. The World Economic Forum Website contains a variety of information about the Forum as well as information about global economics. Latest news is highlighted, with reports from...
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released the May 1999 issue of the World Economic Outlook, a biannual assessment of the world economic situation. Overall, the IMF predicts a few years of slow growth, but no dramatic global recession. The full text of the 255-page report is available in .pdf format in six parts at the IMF site. Users can also access the WEO Database, which contains data in...
This publication has recently been made available by the International Monetary Fund. World Economic Outlook is a semi-annual report that provides "IMF staff economists' analyses of global economic developments during the near and medium term." It also surveys the creation of the European Monetary Union (EMU), exchange rate arrangements and economic performance in developing countries, and...