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Economic policy

Bibliography (1)
Congresses (1)
Periodicals (11)
Research (6)
Social aspects (6)
United States (3)


Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (BRIE)

Berkeley Roundtable on International Economy (BRIE) is a research project based at the University of California at Berkeley that examines the "real-world interactions of technology, markets, and economies" and "formulate[s] path-breaking positions that challenge conventional economic policy-making." Visitors to the site will find a collection of working papers, research papers and research notes...
Chicago Fed Blogs

The Chicago Federal Reserve has distilled some of its more academic works into this series of informative musings. The Community Development & Policy Studies (CDPS) blog brings together commentaries from staff members as well as guest commentators. CDPS is actually a division of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago that helps support the System's economic growth objectives by promoting community...
Economic and Social Science Research Council

With its prestigious record of research and service to the broader public sector, the Economic and Social Science Research Council (ESRC) is the UK's prime research funding and training agency that actively addresses both economic and social concerns. As the website notes, the council seeks "to provide high quality research on issues of importance to business, the public sector, and government."...
Economic Growth Research

The Economic Growth Project of the World Bank's Research Group makes their national policy and economic growth findings available at this location. The abstracts and data sets of recent and forthcoming articles published in journals such as American Economic Review and Journal of Monetary Economics are listed by date, author, or title. Abstracts, data sets, and several full-text World Bank Policy...
Economics Policy Institute

Founded in 1986, the Economics Policy Institute (EPI) was established to "broaden the discussion about economic policy to include the interests of low- and middle-income workers." In keeping with that particular view, the Institute places a premium on real world analysis and a concern for the living standards of working people. The EPI site serves a clearinghouse for much of its research findings,...
Federal Reserve Board: Speeches and Testimonies

Some feel that every time US Federal Reserve Board Chairman Allan Greenspan speaks, the US stock market shudders. He gave testimony before the Senate Banking Committee on February 26, 1997 and the Dow Jones industrial average plunged over 55 points that day (after a rebound from a 122 point loss). You can read the chairman's testimony and his recent speeches at the Federal Reserve Board site (the...
Forum on Economic Freedom

The Forum on Economic Freedom web site was developed by the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) to build and strengthen democracy around the world through promoting private enterprise. The highlight of the site is Economic Reform Today, a journal published by CIPE to help educate policymakers on successful economic strategies. Recent issues have focused on challenges for...
Human Capital Formation and Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries

Policy debates continue to rage on regarding the most effective ways to bring developing countries and regions into full economic participation in the emerging global economy, and a number of organizations (such as the World Bank) have sounded off on the subject with working papers and policy briefs. Under the auspices of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), this...
IMF Working Papers

As of January, 1997, the International Monetary Fund has begun to provide full text (Adobe Acrobat [.pdf] format only) of its Working Papers. At present 17 papers are available, on such topics as India's saving performance, the effect labor market policies and growth fundamentals have on OECD countries, the Austrian pension system, and business cycles in Asia and Latin America, among others. Print...
Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) is an independent policy research center that aims to "bridge the gap between policy-makers and academics: bring academic rigor to policy discussion, and policy relevance to academic research." Most of the research materials available at this site pertain to the United Kingdom, homebase of the IFS. At the site, visitors can find results of IFS research on...
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