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Environmental protection -- United States

Bibliography (2)
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2013 TRI National Analysis

Recently, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the 2000 Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Data online. The report "is a publicly available database that contains information on toxic chemical releases and other waste management activities reported annually by certain covered industries as well as by federal facilities." The report can be downloaded or viewed online, as well as searched...
All You Can Eat

Just what's on that apple, or in that salad or ice cream? Although they are unlikely to be happy with what they find, users can now discover which and how many pesticides are likely to be on the food they eat. Provided by the non-profit Environmental Working Group (EWG), this site allows users to match selections from hundreds of food items with more than 90,000 government lab tests. Visitors to...
American Indian Environmental Office Tribal Portal

Based within the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the American Indian Environmental Office (AIEO) works to protect human health and the environment of federally recognized tribes by supporting implementation of federal environmental laws. The materials on the site are divided into different areas, including Consultation, Indian Policies, Maps & Data, and Tribal Calendar. Visitors will enjoy...
Antimicrobial Pesticides

This newly launched site from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) offers a variety of resources describing how the EPA regulates antimicrobial pesticides. Antimicrobial pesticides are used in a huge variety of household and commercial products to "disinfect, sanitize, reduce, or mitigate growth or development of microbiological organisms" and to "protect inanimate objects (for example...
Appalachian Voices

What source of pollution threatens Appalachia more than any other? Coal mining. The website of Appalachian Voices (AV) showcases an award-winning non-profit organization that aims to reduce the impacts of coal on "the land, air and water of central and southern Appalachia." The organization "empower[s] people to defend [the] region's rich natural and cultural heritage by providing them with tools...
Bird Conservation Initiatives

Although wildlife management is not the central focus of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) mission, numerous EPA programs complement and support efforts to conserve birds and their habitats. To that end, the Office of Water at the EPA has launched this new Website to point interested users towards related EPA (and other) programs. From wetlands to water quality, the specific EPA sites...
Environmental Laws

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has compiled a list of the seventeen major environmental laws which govern their agency and the programs they administer. Users can link to summaries or the full-text version of each law, provided, for the most part, by Cornell University. Those new to the subject may want to visit the Introduction to Laws and Regulations section, which explains how...
Environmental Science Division (ESD): Argonne National Laboratory

This site is designed to provide the public with information about the projects being carried out by EAD. A division of Argonne National Laboratory, the EAD assesses impacts to the environment and human health and safety resulting from human actions. Scientists and engineers make up the four groups of EAD: Risk Assessment and Safety Evaluation, Ecological and Natural Resource Systems,...
EPA Publications in Spanish: Sala de Lecturas en Espanol

The Environmental Protection Agency has made available numerous EPA publications in Spanish. Technical documents, databases, computer programs, and scientific or legislative reports are available in the Vida Profesional section. Vida Diaria provides information for the public on contaminants, health risks, air and water quality, and a host of related general topics. The Recursos en Ingles section...
Grand Challenges in Environmental Sciences

This title from the National Academy Press (NAP) is accessible in its entirety online. Requested by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and written by the National Academies's National Research Council, this report identifies and describes eight important areas of environmental research for the next generation. Not in order of importance, these challenges are Biogeochemical Cycles, Biodiversity...
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