The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s Enviromapper uses innovative Web technology to view and locate environmental information on "drinking water, toxic and air releases, hazardous waste, water discharge permits, and Superfund sites." Thumbnail US map images expand with a click to show facilities regulated by the EPA, information about local watersheds, and local national priority list...
The Concerned Citizens Resources Web site, provided by the Environmental Protection Agency, allows citizens to learn how they and their family can protect themselves and the environment. The Environmental Violations link provides information on what types of activities might be considered environmental violations, and what a citizen would need in order to report a violation. Other topics on the...
Recognizing that the health of the nation's wetlands depends on the fate of private (as well as public-owned) wetlands, the Wetlands Reserve Program is an important, voluntary initiative led by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to provide "technical and financial support" to help private landowners restore their wetlands. This straightforward site describes the Wetlands...