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(15 classifications) (265 resources)

Vocational Education

GEM Subject Classifications
Agriculture (40)
Allied health occupations (29)
Business (85)
Careers (33)
Cooperative education (6)
History (16)
Informal education (18)
Instructional issues (46)
Occupational home economics (17)
Process skills (4)
School-to-work (1)
Tech prep (2)
Technical (27)
Technology (43)
Trade and industrial (68)


Lehman Brothers Collection

In the late 1840s, Henry Lehman made the journey from Germany to Alabama, where he established a dry goods store. Several years later, he was joined by his two brothers and over the coming years the firm of Lehman Brothers would become a commodities broker buying and selling cotton for the planters in the area. They opened a New York office in 1858, and during the next century and a half they...
Library Journal

Librarians, archivists, and other information specialists may already know about the electronic version of Library Journal (the oldest independent national library publication), but those not in the know will want to take a look at this site. With each issue containing dozens of articles on numerous facets on the operation of libraries (and future trends), the site is really an indispensable...
Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki

Founded by Meredith Farkas, faculty librarian at Portland Community College in Oregon and open access advocate, Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki invites librarians to share success stories, resources, and tools with fellow librarians. As the site explains, "There are lots of great blogs out there sharing information about the profession [of librarianship], but there is no one place where all...
Library Support Staff Resource Center

Librarian professionals and support staff are more important than ever, and there are a number of helpful websites that bring together web-based materials designed for just such persons. One such site is the online Library Support Staff Resource Center, created and maintained by the American Library Association. Organized as an extended set of links and in-house resources, visitors can scroll...

The American Library Association (ALA) has created the site to get out the good word about becoming a librarian. The site contains four sections, including "Me, A Librarian?" and "What You Need to Know". The "Me, A Librarian?" area contains information about the skills needed to be an effective librarian, along with information about the profession's core values. Moving on, the...

Some Scout Report readers might be wondering: "What is a light source?" It's a valid question, and the short answer is that these light sources in question are "accelerator-based sources of exceptionally intense, tightly focused beams of x rays and ultraviolent radiation." This helpful website is billed as the place for news, information, and educational materials about the world's synchrotron and...
Listening to Students About Learning

The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has been working on a number of reports on how to strengthen pre-collegiate education in community colleges, and this compelling work represents part of their most recent findings on the subject. Authored by Andrea Conklin Bueschel, this 24-page report draws on interviews with students, community college leaders, teachers, and others to look... to Students...
Manufacturing Extension Partnership Source for Manufacturers

Located within the United States Commerce Department, the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) consists of not-for-profit centers whose "sole purpose is to provide small and medium sized manufacturers with the services they need to succeed." On their site, they provide access to a number of resources that support supply chain integration and also provide access to information about technology...
Maple Recipe Collection

People in Vermont know a little bit about maple syrup and they can spin syrup and maple sugar into a delightful treat for any occasion. This digital collection of maple-infused recipes comes to the web-browsing public courtesy of the University of Vermont Libraries' Center for Digital Initiatives. All told, there are 49 items here, including recipes by Judith Jones (the cookbook editor for Julia...
Maricopa Center for Learning & Instruction

In recent years, community and technical colleges have quietly been developing a number of curriculum and instruction centers designed to provide a number of excellent resources for their faculty. The Maricopa Community College District has its own Maricopa Center For Learning and Instruction (MCLI) and their website is real find for those teaching at community colleges as well as those generally...
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