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Social studies -- State history


American Association for State and Local History

The American Association for State and Local History (AASLH) began in 1940, when the Conference of State and Local History disbanded and a new organization was created. The AASLH is headquartered in Nashville, TN, and provides services, leadership and innovative programs to history organizations large and small. The "National Initiatives" tab at the top of this website contains a link to the...
American Centuries: History and Art from New England

From Deerfield, MA, Memorial Hall Museum's American Centuries is an attractive, image-heavy gateway to a wealth of artifacts documenting American history. Online since 2001, the site is kept fresh with features such as "This Week in History", programmed to retrieve collection items dating from the current week, such as a letter from Thomas Williams Ashley (1894-1918) to his father, Charles Hart...
American Life Histories: Manuscripts from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1940

How do you tell the life of a country through its people? It is a difficult task, to be sure, and in the 1930s and 1940s the Federal Writers' Project sent hundreds of interviewers out across the country to talk to people about their lives and experiences. These interviews touch on the Great Depression, slavery, political views, the role of the federal government, local folklore, and a myriad of...
Amherst College: Digital Collections

Offered as part of the Five College Archives Digital Access Project, many key documents from the history of Amherst College are contained within this remarkable collection. The site consists of four smaller collections: Annual Catalogues, 1822-1900; Coeducation Collection, 1870-1998; Edward and Orra White Hitchcock Papers; and Snell Family Papers. In this last collection, visitors can look over...
Archive-In: Alabama

Many states are working to craft digital archives of their online activities, leading some committed states to even include tweets, Facebook pages, and other alternative sources. This site from the Alabama Department of Archives & History contains everything from the online activities of the Alabama Legislature to the Twitter feeds of selected political parties in the state. All told, there are 31...
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore

Based at the Louisiana State University, the Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore was started in 1974, and it remains the most comprehensive repository of recorded and transcribed materials in French in Louisiana. This digital collection from the Louisiana Digital Library project allows visitors to listen and learn about various ballads, folktales, and jokes in French, Creole, and English. Some...
Arizona Memory Project

The Arizona Memory Project serves as a vast repository of items related to the state of Arizona and its people. It's quite impressive as they have over 100,000 items kindly offered by a range of institutions from around the state. This wealth of information can be a bit overwhelming for first-time visitors who might do well to check out the "Spotlight On" section. Here, visitors can get started...
Arizona-Sonora Documents Online

Telling the story of the Sonora region through primary documents has often vexed researchers because many of these documents are held in three separate institutions. Recently, these three institutions teamed up to create a digital archive which contains key documents from these collections. The project was supported by a grant to the University of Arizona Library from the Institute of Museum and...
Arkansas Digital State Publications Collection

The state of Arkansas publishes hundreds of official newsletters, technical reports, and advisory documents each year. This archive contains over 6,100 of these documents, including the "2005 Arkansas Youth Tobacco Survey" and the "Spring 2001 Arkansas Wild Turkey Harvest Report." First-time visitors can look over the scrolling list of available documents here to get a feel for these materials....
Arkansas Heritage

The mission of the Department of Arkansas Heritage is "to identify Arkansas's heritage and enhance the quality of life by the discovery, preservation, and presentation of the state's cultural, historic, and natural resources." This umbrella site brings together the activities of a number of state agencies, including the Old Statehouse Museum, the Historic Arkansas Museum, and Arkansas Arts...
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