The American Association for State and Local History (AASLH) began in 1940, when the Conference of State and Local History disbanded and a new organization was created. The AASLH is headquartered in Nashville, TN, and provides services, leadership and innovative programs to history organizations large and small. The "National Initiatives" tab at the top of this website contains a link to the "Traveling Exhibits Clearinghouse" which will be of interest to visitors who work in history organizations. The Clearinghouse aims to "give the field of state and local history an easy online resource to advertise and search for traveling exhibits." Also in the National Incentives tab is a link to "Research" on enduring issues in the field of state and local history, such as the cultivation of world cultural heritage, government funding of museums, and the civic mission of schools. Visitors interested in learning about the behind-the-scenes of the Civil War 150 must check out the "Civil War Sesquicentennial" link, under the same tab as the Research link. Also, there are podcasts and a list of websites or contacts for the states involved in the commemoration.