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Electronic New Jersey

Electronic New Jersey was started in 1997, and since then they have worked with partners at the New Jersey State Archives and the New Jersey Historical Society to create interactive and engaging learning materials for teachers and students. The materials here are intended primarily for use by high school and university students, and they include sections on Paul Robeson, the Cold War, and social...
Electronic Privacy Information Center (Last reviewed in The Scout Report on June 13, 1997)

When the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) was started in 1994, there were already substantial privacy issues surrounding the collection and use of electronic data at play. Since that time, such issues have grown exponentially in their scope, and EPIC continues to perform valuable research in the area. A good place to start exploring their site is right on the homepage, namely their...
Electronic Tools and Ancient Near Eastern Archives

A number of interesting digital projects have recently been sponsored by the National Science Foundation, and the Electronic Tools and Ancient Near Eastern Archives (ETANA) is one such project. With the support and primary documents of a number of important institutions, such as the Society of Biblical Literature and Case Western Reserve University, the mission of ETANA is to "develop and maintain...
Elvis fans are all shook up for the King's 75th birthday

Elvis Fans Flock to Australian Outback for Annual Festival Elvis, the young King,0,5003931.story Selections from "Elvis at 21": Photographs by Al...
Embracing Britishness: musings on biscuit lettering culture

"Embracing Britishness: musings on biscuit lettering culture" is a post by Elena Veguillas on "a showcase for work, commentary, and research on lettering, typography, and type design." "Embracing Britishness" runs about 2,000 words and is an enjoyable read with lots of illustrations. In the post, Veguillas elucidates on a number of assertions, including "biscuits are THE British...
Emergency Management: Status of School Districts' Planning and Preparedness

Over the past few years, there has been a great deal of unease about how well schools might be prepared for any number of emergency situations. Recently, the General Accounting Office (GAO) released this paper on the status of school districts' planning and preparedness. The 25-page document was released in May 2007, and while the report features some positive findings, all of the news is not good...
Emerging highway system brings new opportunities, challenges to India

In today’s India, status comes with four wheels National Highways Authority of India [pdf] Solidarity and Action Against the HIV Infection in India [pdf] World Health Organization: Regional Office for South-East Asia...
Empire Ranch Collection

The history of ranching in the American West is an engaging one, and it involves a myriad of players, including farmers, politicians, and power brokers of all stripes. The Empire Ranch in southern Arizona was one of the largest cattle ranches in the state, and its story dates back to the 1860s. Homesteader Edward Nye Fish first established the ranch, and it was originally just a mere160 acres. By...
Employment Law

Ross Runkel is a retired professor of law, and given his long experience with employment and labor law, it seems quite natural that he would be the founder of the site, Employment Law. Along with a team of other equally qualified professionals, he has created this site to serve as a clearinghouse of material about the world of employment law and its many facets. First time visitors may wish to...
Encyclopedia Mythica

While the 2004 Athens Olympic Summer Games are now just a not-so-distant memory, the world's fascination with Greek mythology and the ancient world continues to reverberate with the public, scholars of antiquity, and other interested parties. To pique their interest, there is the lovely Encyclopedia Mythica which was founded and edited by Micha Lindemans. Here visitors can peruse areas devoted to...
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