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Cultural Shock

The Demos organization in London is a think-tank that produces compelling reports on everything from public space to government spending. This report from October 2010 is by Samuel Jones, and he explores the relationship between the British government and culture and sport. His basic question is: "Why should the state get involved in culture, and if it should, how?" The 154-page report is divided...
Cultural Survival Quarterly 45, no.1: Indigenous Women: The Strength of Our Communities

Founded in 1972, Cultural Survival is a nonprofit dedicated to "advocat[ing] for Indigenous Peoples' rights and support[ing] Indigenous communities' self-determination, cultures and political resilience." In pursuit of this mission, the organization publishes Cultural Survival Quarterly, a magazine highlighting the experiences of Indigenous people. The March 2021 issue (45, no. 1) of Cultural...
Culturally-Situated Design Tools

Through the ages, various forms of visual expression have implicitly (and explicitly) drawn on a variety of mathematical principles. The people at the Center for Cultural Design at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute are interested in reaching out to a wide range of people through culturally-situated design tools, so they have created this fine site to do just that. The activities offered on the site...
Cyber Cemetery

Where do old government websites go when they aren't updated or used anymore? Well, for some of these websites their final resting place is within The University of North Texas (UNT) Digital Library. UNT Library has been involved with creating an archive of government websites that have ceased operation through the CyberCemetery website. Currently, there are around 45 separate collections...
Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar

The concerns surrounding the protection of cyberspace as a function of national security are rather serious, particularly in light of recent acts of cyberterrorism against various government agencies and the like. This document from the RAND Corporation's Martin C. Libicki offers a look into how a "cyberwar" might affect various networks, counterattack strategies, the value of deterrence, and how...

Professor Robert Schenk of Saint Joseph's College in Indiana has created this fantastic digital economics textbook for those with an interest in the so-called "dismal science". In the introduction, Professor Schenk notes that the work is "an easy-to-read approach to economics with a variety of interactive problems and questions." The site includes a table of contents, complete with chapters such...
Daily Egyptian Diversity News Index

Developed as part of the online collections at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale's Morris Library, the Daily Egyptian Diversity News Index provides historical insight into the campus climate at this unique school. In 2006, Dr. Seymour Bryson, the associate chancellor for diversity, teamed up with several other colleagues to identify articles in the Daily Egyptian (the University's student...
Dairy and the US Congress

The dairy industry has been a key part of Vermont's economy for well over a century, and as such milk pricing, government subsidies, and oleomargarine are hotly debated topics throughout the Green Mountain State. This digital collection from the University of Vermont Libraries brings together documents that tell the legislative history of such matters. George D. Aiken collected the documents, and...
Dakin Fire Insurance Maps

Most American historians and geographers are well aware of the Sanborn fire insurance maps which document the landscape of hundreds of different cities. They are tremendously useful to a wide range of scholars and researchers. What some people may not know is that the Dakin Publishing Company of San Francisco also worked to create similar insurance maps in the late 19th and early 20th centuries....
Dakin Fire Insurance Maps

Fire insurance maps are an important source of historical information about cities throughout the United States, and this delightful collection from the University of Hawaii offers a great selection of these valuable documents. Currently, the collection contains 78 total maps of various urbanized areas within the Hawaiian Islands. Most of the maps are focused on Honolulu and they reveal the early...
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