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Social studies

GEM Subject Classifications
Anthropology (131)
Careers (38)
Civics (285)
Comparative political systems (177)
Criminology (43)
Current events/issues (1,110)
Economics (510)
Geography (412)
Gerontology (12)
History (782)
Human behavior (348)
Human relations (407)
Informal education (127)
Instructional issues (94)
Process skills (2)
Psychology (85)
Social work (24)
Sociology (259)
State history (621)
Technology (204)
Technology and civilization (181)
United States Constitution (27)
United States government (452)
United States history (1,251)
Urban studies (307)
World history (675)


Concerned about the education of young people, the Common Core organization releases the results of a recent survey

History Surveys Stumps U.S. Teens [Free registration may be required] The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy Bill Moyers Journal: Interview with Susan Jacoby Digital History 19th Century...
Concerns continue over the casting of overseas ballots in the upcoming presidential election

Given how close the returns were for the 2000 presidential election in the United States, it is no surprise that both Democrats and Republicans are concerned with a group of voters that are far-flung across the globe: overseas voters. It is estimated that 4 to 10 million U.S. residents live overseas, and many of them have expressed strong interest in making sure their vote is counted. While...
Confederate Imprints Collection: Sheet Music

As the United States continues to explore the legacy of the Civil War, this timely collection adds to the conversation. The University of Alabama Libraries Digital Collection has created this collection of printed music created between 1861 and 1865 in the Confederacy. During its short-lived existence, the Confederacy produced more than 7,000 books, pamphlets, broadsides, maps, pieces of sheet...
Conflict and Health

Public health experts, doctors, policymakers and others are increasingly interested in the relationship between health and conflict. A number of those people recently collaborated to create the "Conflict and Health" journal. The journal is part of the BioMedCentral publishing group, and it is an open access, peer-reviewed publication, which looks at "the intricate relationship between conflict and...
Confronted by a political standoff, the country of Belgium goes up for sale on eBay

The EU's trial balloon Walloons,0,5030564.column?coll=la-util-opinion-commentary Culture clash may break up Belgium Disgruntled voter puts Belgium for sale on eBay History of Belgium: Primary...
Congressional Hearings: Law Library of Congress

Recently, the Law Library of Congress and Google teamed up on a collaborative pilot project to digitize the Law Library's entire collection of 75,000 volumes of printed Congressional Hearings. For those who might not be familiar with these hearings, they typically contain testimony from members of Congress, interest groups, and policy experts. The intent of this initial digitization project is to...
Congressman Frank Annunzio Photo Collection

Congressman Frank Annunzio of Chicago represented his constituents for 28 years in the U.S. House of Representatives and was always a strong advocate for causes dear to Italian Americans. Annunzio was a consummate Chicagoan: before he was elected to political office in 1965 he was a teacher and a director of labor for the state of Illinois. During his time in the House, he worked tirelessly to...
Connecting to Opportunity: Access to Jobs via Transit in the Washington, D.C. Region

The Brookings Institution works on a range of issues through their Metropolitan Policy Program, which has always been interested in transportation. In November 2012, program fellow Martha Ross finished this trenchant look at improving transportation connections within the D.C. region. The 41-page paper contains a number of interesting findings, including the observation that almost 90 percent of...
Conscious Style Guide

Inclusivity is a core tenant of both personal and professional interactions. For "the latest news, opinions, and guides on conscious language - all in one place," turn to Conscious Style Guide. Launched by award-winning editor Karen Yin in 2015, this site curates articles, guides, and newsletters promoting "inclusive, empowering, and respectful language." These resources are divided into...
Conservation Online

Started as a germ of an idea back in 1987 (on a real, live bulletin board, as opposed to an electronic one), Conservation Online (CoOL) has been providing online resources for conservation professionals since 1993. As its website announces, it is a "full text library of conservation information," covering a wide array of topics ranging from digital imaging to reprographics, and quite a bit of...
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