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Social studies

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Anthropology (131)
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Current events/issues (1,110)
Economics (510)
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Sociology (259)
State history (621)
Technology (204)
Technology and civilization (181)
United States Constitution (27)
United States government (452)
United States history (1,251)
Urban studies (307)
World history (675)


College Goal Sunday

Finding money for college can be tough, and this website is a good way to link up with a program can help students and families. Designed to coincide with a certain large football game held in the United States, the primary sponsor of this program is the Y, and they help liaison with a range of community partners to make this event a success. The materials on the site are divided to sections that...
College of Europe: EU Diplomacy Papers

Persons interested in the affairs of Europe will find the College of Europe's Diplomacy Papers site to be most helpful. These working papers are part of a series "dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of the European Union's external relations and external aspects of EU internal policies." Currently, the site contains about two dozen papers that date back to 2006. The papers are authored by a...
College presidents call for open discussion about the drinking age across the United States

College leaders hope to renew debate on a lower drinking age,0,1651220.story ABC News: Answer to Underage Drinking: Make It Legal MADD: Some University Presidents Shirk Responsibility to Protect Students from Dangers of Underage...
College students continue to have strong interest in spirituality

Despite certain claims to the contrary, a recent survey from UCLA's Higher Education Research Institute indicates that college students in the early 21st century maintain a strong interest in spirituality and self-discovery. Released this Wednesday, the study noted that, of more than 100,000 freshmen who started college in 2004, four in five reported an interest in spirituality. Additionally, the...
College students return to New Orleans for new start

Displaced Students Return to Louisiana for 2nd Try Dillard U. Students Start School in Style UNO contacting students for enrolment No words to describe New...
College, Inc.

While some people might think "college" and conjure up images of a leafy quadrangle, there are many schools that might be best thought of as a series of elaborate network servers and a few physical offices in a more modest office suite in a suburban building. The sector of higher education that includes for-profit colleges and universities that cater to non-traditional students is one that has...
Colleges and universities celebrate commencement with pomp, circumstance, and more than a bit of controversy

Colorfully, Some Students Protest McCain at Columbia Ceremony McCain Urges Respect for Different Views The Art of the Commencement Speech To the Grads: Platitudes with Attitude [Real...
Colleges Begin to Embrace Fresh Food Movement

In previous decades, the quality of food in many college cafeterias varied widely, and many institutions began to serve more mass-produced entrees as their enrollments began to rise after World War II. This pendulum is beginning to swing back the other way, as more than 200 universities and close to 400 school districts are starting to give more support to a farm-to-cafeteria movement that...
Collmate 1.30

The New Year is now upon us, and it may be time to find a suitable computer program to organize all of those baubles, bangles, and beads that have accumulated over the past year. Collmate 1.30 may be just the program, as it allows individuals to organize their collection of buttons, Kewpie dolls, carnival glass, or anything else that might need to get in order. With this program, users can...
Colonial House - PBS

Preview the newest installment in public television's hands-on history series, following Frontier House, Manor House, and 1900 House. Set in 1628, Colonial House will be broadcast in May. At the website, there are audio and video diaries in which the twenty-eight colonists from the UK and US give accounts of their experiences learning to live in 1628. Also provided is a map of the village and...
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