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Centenary of the First World War, 1914-1918

The Australian War Memorial is commemorating the centenary of the First World War by engaging in a sophisticated and nuanced redevelopment of its First World War galleries and related exhibits. Users of this site will get a great peek into these new galleries, along with access to the Memorial's YouTube video channels and blogs. Visitors should click on over to the ANZAC Voices to learn about the...
Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing

Johns Hopkins School for Public Health established the Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT) in 1981. Although the concept of devising alternatives to animal testing is controversial, the CAAT website dispels the myths about the efficacy of using animals in testing everything from pharmaceuticals to cosmetics to medical procedures. Visitors interested in listening to or watching...
Center for Christian-Jewish Learning

The Center for Christian-Jewish Learning at Boston College “is dedicated to the growth of new and mutually enriching relationships between Christians and Jews.” To achieve this goal, the Center has established a wide range of outreach efforts, including lectures, seminars, and a number of publications and newsletters. On their site, visitors can learn about these events, and should also start...
Center for Civic Education

With offices in Calabasas, California and Washington, D.C, the Center for Civic Education is "dedicated to promoting an enlightened and responsible citizenry committed to democratic principles." The Center functions as a nonprofit, non partisan educational corporation and the materials offered on their site for educators and those wishing to brush up on everything from representative democracy to...
Center for Civic Education

The Center for Civic Education is a non-partisan educational corporation started in 1969 in Calabasas, California, to educate America's citizens about democratic principles. Their website's "About Us" section has a powerful quote by Thomas Jefferson that sums up their rationale and goals for starting the Center: "I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of society but the people...
Center for Democracy & Technology

Since its creation in 1995, the Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT) has worked "to promote democratic values and constitutional liberties in the digital age." The homepage contains thematic headings that will guide visitors to much of the important material here, and includes such areas as the CDT's Legislative Center, its Resource Library, and several of its most recent policy briefs. Perhaps...
Center for Digital Democracy

How is the Internet organized? Is it a democracy? Or is it increasingly controlled by large media corporations bent on limiting what people can do or see on various websites? These are valid questions, and the Center for Digital Democracy (CDD) is intimately involved with such matters. Founded in 2001, the CDD has worked on developing the campaign for an open broadband Internet, along with leading...
Center for Digital Storytelling

There are many ways to tell stories about communities and individuals, and new developments in multimedia offer some rather compelling ways to do just that. One such organization interested in these types of projects is The Center for Digital Storytelling. In their work they offer workshops for organizations and individuals, along with providing a clearinghouse of information about resources on...
Center for Disease Control and Prevention: H1N1 Flu

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has created this uniformly excellent site to help the general public learn about the H1N1 flu. The homepage is well-organized, and it contains helpful social networking buttons, along with direct links to email updates, and their RSS feed. Here, visitors can also read the "Situation Update" section, which includes a map of the United States...
Center for First World War Studies: Lions Led By Donkeys

Years ago, scholar John Bourne encountered historian Peter Lawrence in a class at Birmingham University. In this class, they discussed the various British officers in World War One who weren't as well known as some of the other commanders. Professor Lawrence asked "Who were all these generals anyway?" Later, Bourne and a number of his colleagues decided to look into the lives and legacies of the...
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