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United States government (452)
United States history (1,251)
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World history (675)


C-SPAN Classroom

Over the past several decades, C-SPAN has brought many hours of fascinating programming to the generally curious. Many teachers have used their programming to edify their students about various aspects of US government, and now C-SPAN has created this very nice site to complement those informal activities. The formal mission of the C-SPAN Classroom site is "to enhance the teaching of Civics & U.S....
C-SPAN Podcasts

C-SPAN has created this site to allow interested parties easy access to many of their programs in a podcast format. On the site, visitors can scroll down through podcast formatted programs from "After Words", "American Political Archive", "Newsmakers", and six other shows. One of the programs that visitors shouldn't overlook is "The Communicators". This particular program features a half-hour...
C-SPAN: American Political Archive

Many people enjoy the wide array of programs offered by C-SPAN, and those with a penchant for American politics and related topics will enjoy this website immensely. The site contains a wide variety of unique audio programs culled from materials at the National Archives, presidential libraries, the Smithsonian, the Library of Congress and other sources. One place to start is by listening to any...
C-SPAN: The Communicators

C-SPAN has given viewers programs like the celebrated "BookTV" and "Booknotes" and now they have come out with "The Communicators". This program features a half-hour interview with "the people who shape our digital future." Interviews include the acting chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Fred Humphries of Microsoft Corporation's Federal Affairs division, and legislators...
C. Szwedzicki: The North American Indian Works

The University of Cincinnati Libraries has compiled a digitized collection of work by 20th Century American Indian artists that was originally published from the years 1929 to 1953 in Nice, France. The digitized collection is composed of 364 images and six texts. There are a few ways to search or browse the collection, including utilizing an introductory essay written by Janet Catherine Berlo,...
California State Archives

Those persons with an interest in the history and government of the Golden State will love the California State Archives, which were originally chartered to receive "…all public records, registered maps, books, papers, rolls, documents and other writings…which appertain to or are in any way connected with the political history and past administration of the government of California." On the...
Calit2: Live Webcasts

The California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2) conducts research on the scientific and technological components needed to "extend the reach of the Internet throughout the physical world." (See also report on Mathematics, Engineering and Technology, March 15, 2002) This section of the Institute website features live webcasts and video footage of guest speakers...
Call for prison reform draws attention from policy makers and members of the law enforcement community

California a leader in number of youths in prison for life,1,231437.story?coll=la-news-politics-supreme_court Crack cocaine sentence cut is stalled by retroactivity NPR: Should Sentencing Reform Be Retroactive? [Real...
Caltech Archives Oral History Project

The Caltech Archives Oral History Project "began in 1978 for the purpose of recording the personal memoirs of the distinguished scientists, teachers and administrators of the Institute." The archive currently includes about 170 interviews, for many of which transcipts are provided. The Online project makes selected interviews available to the public in digital form. Approximately 40 interviews,...
Cambridge University: Digital Image Collections

Over the course of the past eight centuries, Cambridge University has come into the possession of more than a few important documents. Their online digital image collection may be seen as an important first stop for anyone interested in perusing some of these remarkable materials. These documents include The Portsmouth and Macclesfield Collection, which contains the writings and ideas of Sir Isaac...
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