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United States government (452)
United States history (1,251)
Urban studies (307)
World history (675)


Brevier Legislative reports

Published biennially from 1858 to 1887, the Brevier Legislative Reports are verbatim reports of the legislative history of the Indiana General Assembly during those years. Taken as a whole, they are fascinating documents, as there exists no other such detailed and comprehensive record of the debate and speeches delivered on the floor of the Indiana Senate chamber and the Hall of the House of...;jsessioni...
Bridges and Tunnels of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania

Technophile Bruce S. Cridlebaugh has compiled this website of information on the bridges and tunnels of Allegheny County and Pittsburgh to satisfy his curiosity. The information featured here has been primarily gathered by visiting the various bridges and tunnels and making on-site measurements, sketches, photos and notes. Despite limitations due to the nature of some sites, such as "a given...
Brilliance of fall colors linked to poor soil

What causes fall color? Experts explain Fall Foliage Maps The Miracle of Fall-About Fall Color Fall Colors for 2007
Bringing America Up To Speed: States' Role in Expanding Broadband

As states struggle with financial difficulties, there continues to be growing concern about the access to broadband service. Many policy makers consider this question of access as a way to encourage economic growth and development in certain rural and urban areas. This 42-page report from the Pew Center on the State was released in June 2010, and it discusses how states are attempting to ramp up...
British Academy - National Academy for the Humanities and Social Sciences

The British Academy for the Humanities and Social Sciences aims to be a fellowship of distinguished scholars, a funding body for the promotion of good ideas, and a voice of advocacy for the humanities and social sciences. The News section on the homepage is frequently updated and often interesting. About Us is another great place to start. Here, readers will find A Guide to the British Academy as...
British Columbia Historical Newspapers

This collection features over 134 years of newspapers culled from towns large, small, and in-between from around British Columbia. Digitized by the University of British Columbia, the events covered here include logging festivals, news of new roadways, and information about international affairs. Visitors can dive right in by using the Browse By Date feature. There are over two dozen papers...
British Council Film: British Council Film Collection

British Council Film "is the link between UK films and filmmakers and new international audiences." Along with their work promoting a set of productive artistic and commercial relationships and networks, they have also digitized 80 remarkable short films. The films were originally produced by the British Council during the 1940s and were designed "to show the world how Britain lived, worked, and...
British History Online

British history to some might be thought of as a dense thicket of county records, complex lineages, and other such foibles that make the story of these modestly-sized islands all the more delectable. Fortunately for those interested in these “histories”, there is the British History Online website. Created by the Institute of Historical Research and the History of Parliament Trust, the site...
British Library Labs

Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the British Library Labs offer up interactive digital collections and apps based on the holdings of this remarkable library. First-time visitors can navigate to the left-hand side of the page to look over datasets, maps, images, sounds, and multimedia materials. Within Digital Collections, the Images area features the Endangered Archives Programme (EAP),...
British Museum: Chinese Jade

The world of jade is utterly fascinating, and those captivated by this material will have a field day here. This online tour is part of the British Museum's commitment to broadening access to their vast array of items that might not normally be visible to the general public. Here, visitors can learn about the Chinese fascination with jade through 21 slides that profile unique and valuable items...
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