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Botanical and Cultural Images of Eastern Asia, 1907-1927

In the library section of their website, the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University shows off their digitized collection of eastern Asian photographs taken by plant explorers and collectors from the early 20th century. Visitors can view a gallery of each explorer's images. Users can also search the image database by photographer, subject or plant name.

Both ENDS is an organization that was started by Dutch environmental organizations in 1986. Their primary goal was to help environmental organizations in developing countries do their best work, since they often "operate within a context of political repression and lack information, contacts and financial, political and moral support." The first item visitors will notice when they go to their...
Bound for Glory: America in Color, 1939-1943

For many people, the world of Depression-era photography in the United States can be characterized by the somber black-and-white images of rural poverty or by the vivid depictions of everyday struggles. Interestingly enough, there were a number of color images taken by photographers of the Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information from the years 1939 to 1943. The Library of Congress...
Bowen Country Club Collection

One of the ambitions of service groups like Chicago's Hull House was to provide urban youth with an opportunity to get out and experience some clean fresh air. The Hull House on Chicago's Near West Side took children from the surrounding neighborhood out to the Joseph T. Bowen Country Club every year from 1912 until 1963. The Club was financed by social activist and philanthropist Louise deKoven...
Boys & Girls Clubs of America

The social reform and welfare movement in the United States may be most commonly associated with such persons as Jane Addams, but years before her pioneering work on Chicago’s West Side, the Boys & Girls Club of America organization was started in Hartford, Connecticut. Over the past century and a half, the organization has provided a host of services to young people in order to help them realize...
Bracero History Archive

Started in 1942, the Bracero Program brought millions of Mexican guest workers to the United States, and over the next two decades, more than 4 million Mexicans came to work in the country. This fine public history resource from the Center for History and New Media at Georgetown University brings together oral histories and artifacts pertaining to the program. Visitors can read the "About" section...
Bracton Online

If you are not a student of medieval law, you might not be familiar with the work of Henry of Bratton (Henricus de Brattona or Bractona). Bratton was a judge of the court known as coram rege, which later became known as the King's Bench, in the 1250's. He is best known for writing the extended treatise, "De legibus et consuetudinibus Angliae", which translated means, "On the Laws and Customs of...

Have you ever wanted to tweak the appearance of your Gmail account? This is now possible, courtesy of BrandMyMail. First-time users can watch the short video on the homepage to learn about the functionality of the program, gather some insights into how one might best utilize its primary features. Visitors can add social media links to their emails, create different layouts, and tweak the colors...
Breathing Earth

Visual simulation and representation programs and applications have been popping up online in greater numbers, and this recent find is one that will pique the interest of scientists, policy makers, and others who are concerned about carbon dioxide emission rates across the Earth. The Breathing Earth site was created by David Bleja, and he draws on a number of resources (such as the World Factbook...
Brennan Center for Justice

The late Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. was arguably the most influential justice of the Supreme Court in the 20th century, and weighed in with nearly 1600 opinions during his 34 years on the Court. To pay tribute to his many accomplishments, the extended Brennan family and New York University presented Justice Brennan with their gift of the Brennan Center in 1995. The central mission of the...
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