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Social studies

GEM Subject Classifications
Anthropology (131)
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Comparative political systems (177)
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Current events/issues (1,110)
Economics (510)
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Social work (24)
Sociology (259)
State history (621)
Technology (204)
Technology and civilization (181)
United States Constitution (27)
United States government (452)
United States history (1,251)
Urban studies (307)
World history (675)


Animal rights advocates continue to question the use of live animal mascots

Live college mascots reflect obsession with traditions Issues & Answers: LSU Chancellor's Office PETA: School Spirit 101: Live-Animal Mascots Get An " F" Bucky Badger...
Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology

The Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology is a national organization "that provides platforms allowing women's voices, ideas and spirits to influence technology." In honoring Dr. Anita Borg, who "is responsible for including women in the technological revolution - not as bystanders, but as active participants and leaders," the organization offers programs and events for academics,...
Annenberg: Cast Your Vote

This website by Annenberg Media addresses issues in statistics and polling. To enter the exhibit, you must complete a short online survey about your opinion on polling. Once you enter, you are taken through a year in "a fictitious election campaign for an inside look at the mathematics behind the polls and the news you hear everyday." The website reviews concepts such as random sampling, margin of...
Annie Oakley

For some who might still think of Annie Oakley as Betty Hutton belting out "You Can't Get a Man with a Gun" in the irrepressible film version of "Annie Get Your Gun", this fine website created as part of the American Experience series will add nuance and introspection to the real-life sharp-shooter and noted American icon. To begin, it is worth noting that Oakley, in spite of her burnished Old...
Annual Eurovision Song Contest Selects Unique Finnish Band as its Winner

Finnish square named after Lordi Eurovision Song Contest [Windows Media Player] The axeman’s serious side,,1781044,00.html Lordi be, Europe! Molvania Disqualified from...
Ansel Adams's Photographs of Japanese-American Internment at Manzanar

One might expect that the area around the Sierra Nevada Mountains might be an elegant and obvious choice for the noted photographer Ansel Adams to feature in his work, particularly given his fondness for documenting various aspects of the natural world. But, in the fall of 1943, Adams came to this area, not to document the surrounding landscape, but rather the lives of the Japanese-Americans who...
Antarctica: Signs of the Great Thaw

Over the past few years, organizations like National Geographic and the National Academy of Sciences have been offering up interactive features on their websites. Many print newspapers have entered this arena as of late, including the New York Times and the Chicago Tribune. Recently, the Tribune offered up this tremendously interesting and visually engaging portrait of the effects of global...
Anthropology Ethics: Online Resources

Studying humankind can give us great insight into the complexities of society and culture. However, any research involving human subjects comes with a thorny set of ethical considerations. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Ethics Center has curated this collection of online resources related to ethical dilemmas and situations in anthropology. The materials are divided into four areas: Case...
Anthropology Outreach Office: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

The Anthropology Outreach Office at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History serves "to promote the understanding of the field of anthropology and the research conducted in the Smithsonian's Department of Anthropology." This office publishes AnthroNotes (a newsletter for educators), along with a range of leaflets, bibliographies, and packets of material for teachers. The AnthroNotes...
Antique Maps of Iceland

Iceland is a nation with a long and rather unique history, and it is worth noting that it has also been thoroughly mapped and examined by cartographers, explorers, and other such types over the past millennium or so. Fortunately, the Nordic Digital Library Center and the National and University Library of Iceland have joined forces to create this digital archive of all maps of Iceland from before...
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