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Social studies

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Anthropology (130)
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State history (621)
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Technology and civilization (179)
United States Constitution (27)
United States government (450)
United States history (1,245)
Urban studies (307)
World history (669)


17th-19th Century British Religious, Political, and Legal Tracts

The University of Missouri Digital Library has a range of digital collections covering much of the fine Show Me State, along with other regions of the United States and the globe. This particular collection brings together key documents that tell the story of British religious, legal, and political history from the 1600s to the 1800s. Visitors can browse at their leisure or perform complex...
1850s & 1860s Hotel and Restaurant Menus

The University of Houston has increased its digital offerings in recent years to allow visitors to make their way through everything from home retail pamphlets from the 1920s to copper plate engravings from Theodor de Bry's "Grandes Voyages." This particular collection offers users access to 80 different menus from the 1850s and 1860s. The menus are taken from establishments that were located all...
1969: The Year of Gay Liberation

The New York Public Library's excellent online exhibit on the year of gay liberation opens with an inviting digital poster with all the names of the gay liberation groups represented in the exhibit. Visitors can click anywhere on the poster to enter the exhibit. Take a look at the "Introduction" to learn about the history of gay liberation groups. About half a dozen or so of the groups are...
19th Century Maps by Children

Map collector and cartographer David Rumsey has done a fine public service by placing thousands of his own maps online over the past decade. In the past few years, he and his colleagues have introduced new additions to the site via their friendly and interesting blog. This particular addition features some two dozen remarkable maps created by children during the 19th century. Many of these old...
200,000 historic recordings are making their way to the Library of Congress

Universal Music Donating 200K Master Recordings to Library of Congress A Digital Library Race, and Playing Catch-Up [Free registration may be required] Performing Arts Encyclopedia Music for the...
2009 WebWise Conference on Libraries and Museums in the Digital World

Three hundred museum and library professionals from across the United States gathered together in February 2009 to discuss the development of digital resources and how this development affects librarians and information specialists at cultural institutions. This straightforward website includes webcasts of the sessions and is the next best thing to attending the conference as visitors to their...
2010 Census

Short forms, long forms, Alaska Native, and so on. Anyway you look at it, the United States Census is a complicated and fascinating event. It happens ever yen years (as dictated by the U.S. Constitution), and it is a process that is evaluated almost constantly. Recently, the U.S. Census Bureau created the 2010 Census site in order to inform the general public about the next census. Visitors to the...
2010 Census

Policy analysts, mayors, government officials, and many others are anxiously awaiting the results of the 2010 Census. It's not taking place for a few years, but the U.S. Census Bureau has already created this website to provide information to a wide range of interested parties and stakeholders. On the homepage, visitors can learn about the nuts and bolts of the Census, read about the "Census in...
30,000 pumpkins appear in the middle of Boston and a world record is broken

A love in Common for pumpkins Morton, Illinois: The Pumpkin Capital of the World Big Pumpkin Recipes Pumpkin Carving 101 Its...

What exactly is the significance of the number 350? To learn about what it means, and why this website was created, visitors should click on "What is 350?" near the top of the page. On the homepage are some wonderful photos of events with the goals of 350. The site can be viewed in 13 different languages, with the five most common being featured across the top of the page. Hit the "+" at the...
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