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Social studies

GEM Subject Classifications
Anthropology (131)
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Civics (285)
Comparative political systems (177)
Criminology (43)
Current events/issues (1,110)
Economics (510)
Geography (412)
Gerontology (12)
History (782)
Human behavior (348)
Human relations (407)
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Psychology (84)
Social work (24)
Sociology (259)
State history (621)
Technology (204)
Technology and civilization (180)
United States Constitution (27)
United States government (452)
United States history (1,251)
Urban studies (307)
World history (675)


Louisiana: European Explorations and the Louisiana Purchase

When a young United States finalized the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, they in some ways literally didn't know what they were getting. Certainly a number of surveyors, explorers, and Native Americans had traversed different segments of this vast territory, but it had by no means been completely explored and documented. Recently, the American Memory Project at the Library of Congress created this...
Loyola University Chicago: Digital Yearbooks

The story of Loyola University in Chicago can be told via its alumni, its campus, and of course, its many well-known academic programs. But what of the stories that can be found within the pages of the University's many yearbooks? Today such large volumes might seem a bit passe, but for decades they contained the stories, aspirations, and accomplishments of the student body. This digitization...
LSE Cities: Urban Age

The Urban Age group was initiated by the Cities Programme at the London School of Economics and Political Science and the Deutsche Bank's Alfred Herrhausen Society. The group's principal aim is "to shape the thinking and practice of urban leaders and sustainable urban development." To accomplish this, they have coalesced around four key themes, which include labour market and work places, public...
LSU Photograph Collection

For a look into the past of campus life at the Louisiana State University (LSU), you can't do much better than perusing through this photograph collection. Created by the LSU Library, the collection includes 475 photographs which range from 1886 to 1925. The photographs include scenes of student life, rousing activities, sports, noted faculty, buildings, and laboratories. Visitors can use the...
Luis J. Botifoll Oral History Project

This intriguing collection from the University of Miami Libraries brings together videos, outlines, and selected transcripts of oral history interviews conducted with first-generation Cubans exiled since the Cuban Revolution. The project began in 2008 and its stated goal is "to document the Cuban experience on the island and in the diaspora." Currently, the project contains over 40 interviews with...
Mackinac Center

Based in Midland, Michigan, the Mackinac Center for Public Policy is a "nonpartisan research and educational institute dedicated to improving the quality of life for all Michigan citizens by promoting sound solutions to state and local policy questions." Visitors to their website can read their blog, check out some of their publications, and also learn about some of their key topical interests....
Madison-Celebrating 150 Years

Every state’s capitol city has a story to tell, and the story of Madison, Wisconsin is one that is intimately connected with its location within the state (and on a narrow isthmus, to boot) and to its relationship with the University of Wisconsin. Drawing on the resources of the Wisconsin Historical Society, this site is designed to offer a host of primary documents and visual ephemera related to...
Madurese Storytellers

From the University of Iowa's Department of Linguistics comes Madurese Storytellers - a collection of video-recorded folktales from the Madurese, an ethnic community in Indonesia. These folks tales were collected by the late William Davies, who worked as a linguistics professor at the University of Iowa for many years and studied the languages of Indonesia. Videos in this collection are...
Magnificent Maps

The British Library has a few maps in its collection, and it is an institution that is well-positioned to create an exhibition with the title "Magnificent Maps: Power, Propaganda and Art". This digital exhibit is meant to complement an in situ exhibit that explores these main themes through 80 different maps. On this site, visitors can look over four of these marvelous maps in exquisite detail,...
Major league baseball and the nation pause to pay tribute to Jackie Robinson

How Jackie Robinson changed America,CST-EDT-GEO15.article School rare bastion of Jackie Robinson's baseball legacy NPR: A Test of Courage: Jackie Robinson's Rookie Year [Real Player] Baseball and Jackie...
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