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United States history (1,251)
Urban studies (307)
World history (675)


Imagining the Past in France, 1250-1500

This exhibition from the Getty Museum uses manuscripts to relate historical narratives from medieval France. Visitors to the site will find "dramatic depictions of moral dilemmas, valiant battles, and chivalrous derring-do", featuring a cast of characters including Hector of Troy, Alexander the Great, Emperor Charlemagne, and the Virgin Mary. Clicking on "See Art from the exhibition", found on the...
Immigrant Assimilation into US Prisons, 1900-1930

The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) conducts research on a wide range of topics and its work is frequently cited by scholars around the world. This intriguing piece was authored by Carolyn M. Moehling and Anne Morrison Piehl and released in May 2013. The 39-page paper looks into the statistical patterns behind immigrant assimilation into US prisons from 1900-1930 by drawing on newly...
Immigrants in 2010 Metropolitan America

The 2010 Census has afforded scholars and public policy experts with a wealth of data on demographics in the United States, and many people have chosen to use this data to look at urban and suburban settlement patterns. As part of their work at the Brookings Institution's Metropolitan Policy Program Jill H. Wilson and Audrey Singer have composed this 13-page paper which looks at the transformation...
Immigration Advocates Network

The mission of the Immigration Advocates Network (IAN) is "to enhance and unify the work of the nation's immigrants' rights organizations by providing an online resource and communication site to support joint work." On the site's homepage, visitors can learn about their excellent selection of resources, which include a library of materials for legal advocates, podcasts, calendars, videos, and...
Immigration to the United States, 1789-1930

While it never really left us, immigration has once again emerged as a central issue for many Americans. For a first-hand look at the history of immigration in the United States from the years 1789 to 1930, this website is quite a pip. Created as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University, this online archive includes approximately 1,800 books, 6,000 photographs, and 200 maps. Just...
Immigration, Incorporation and the Prospects for Reform

Immigration has been on the forefront of American policy issues for sometime now, and the foreign population in the United States is approaching historic levels. In March 2010, the Brookings Institution's Audrey Singer and John Mollenfkopf offered a presentation that examines this transformation. The presentation is focused on the "numerous affects of the country's changing demographics, from...
Impacts of Resource Development on Native American Lands

When development occurs on Native American lands, there are many interested parties. They include government agencies, non-governmental organizations, human rights groups, and the tribal governments themselves. This is an excellent collection of case studies that have addressed development issues on such lands and it is offered courtesy of the Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton...
Imperial War Museum Collections On-line Database

The nature of war and its aftermath has served as the inspiration for numerous creative works, including those in the visual arts, poetry, film, and photography. Of course, wars themselves have been well-documented in general, particularly with the explosion of various technological innovations that allow individuals the opportunity to capture various moments both on the battlefield and the home...
Implementing Physical and Virtual Food Reserves to Protect the Poor and Prevent Market Failure [pdf]

The goal of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) is to seek "sustainable solutions for ending hunger and poverty." Their work is supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, which is an alliance of 64 governments, private foundations, and international and regional organizations. A substantial part of their work involves performing and...
Improving Access to Medicines for Non-Communicable Diseases in the Developing World

In September 2011, a group of scholars and doctors met to discuss the global devastation caused by non-communicable diseases (NCDs). These NCDs now account for "the majority of global morbidity and mortality and are increasingly affecting developing countries whose under-resourced health care systems also have to handle a high burden of infectious disease." The seven authors of this 84-page report...
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