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Social studies

GEM Subject Classifications
Anthropology (131)
Careers (38)
Civics (285)
Comparative political systems (177)
Criminology (43)
Current events/issues (1,110)
Economics (510)
Geography (412)
Gerontology (12)
History (782)
Human behavior (348)
Human relations (407)
Informal education (127)
Instructional issues (94)
Process skills (2)
Psychology (85)
Social work (24)
Sociology (259)
State history (621)
Technology (204)
Technology and civilization (181)
United States Constitution (27)
United States government (452)
United States history (1,251)
Urban studies (307)
World history (675)


Harlem History

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, Harlem is perhaps the most famous African-American neighborhood in the United States (though over history it has been host to a number of ethnic groups), and hundreds of its residents have gone on to major positions of prominence in politics, the arts, and a host of other areas. This multimedia website, designed by the Columbia University Digital Knowledge Ventures...
Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies

Founded in 1964, the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies maintains a strong link to the Harvard School of Public Health along with other policy institutes at the university. On their homepage, visitors can read their latest press releases, learn about the activities of their associates, and various fellowship opportunities. Along with these general areas, the web-browsing public...
Harvard Family Research Project

Since 1983, the Harvard Family Research Project (HFRP) has focused their work and research on complementary learning, which acknowledges that "children need multiple opportunities to learn and grow at home, in school, and in the community." Visitors will definitely want to check out the "Webinar Series", which can be found on the homepage. The archive consists of seven webinars consists that...
Harvard in the 17th and 18th Centuries

Several hundred years ago, Harvard University was a much smaller place, and higher education was only necessary to (or desired by) those hoping to enter a few select professions. Referring to this early period in Harvard's history, Josiah Quincy remarked in 1836 that "[Harvard] was, from the first, intimately connected with political and religious opinions and events." Supported by the Arcadia and...
Harvard Iranian Oral History Project

Oral histories can be quite fascinating, and a number of significant collections have been placed online as of late. One of the best-known projects might be Harvard University's own Iranian Oral History Project (IOHP). The collection consists of the personal accounts of over 150 individuals who were eyewitnesses (or active participants) to a range of crucial political events in Iran from the 1920s...
Harvard Map Collection: Digital Maps

Not surprisingly, Harvard University has one of the largest map collections in the United States, with over 500,000 items. While not all of these items have been digitized for this site, visitors can take advantage of hundreds of the items here. First-time visitors should read the "Introduction" area and then browse through some of the map indexes. The site also includes technical information on...
Harvard Stem Cell Institute

The Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) was formed in 2004 to "draw Harvard's resources together by establishing a cooperative community of scientists and practitioners, by developing new ways to fund and support research, and by promoting opportunities for open communication and education." Their website features videos of HSCI scientists speaking about their selected disease programs. Visitors...
Harvard University Institute of Politics

Located within the Kennedy School of Government, the Harvard University Institute of Politics emerged out of the desire to create an organization that would reflect the late President John F. Kennedy's commitment to public service. As such, the Institute of Politics was created in the fall of 1966, and placed under the able direction of Professor Richard E. Neustadt. The Institute of Politics...
Harvard University Institute of Politics: Forum Archive

If you are looking for a place online to find William Julius Wilson, Cesar Chavez, or Lech Walesa, you should look no further than the very fine online video archive of the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum from Harvard University’s Institute of Politics. Over the past thirty years, the Institute has held hundreds of public addresses and panel discussions on a myriad of topical issues. Recently, they...
Harvard University: Center for Public Leadership

Created in 2000 with funding from the Wexner Foundation, the Center for Public Leadership at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government is "dedicated to excellence in leadership education and research." The Center serves those persons in government, business, and nonprofits by providing access to a number of publications and research reports, along with various courses, seminars, and public...
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