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Social studies

GEM Subject Classifications
Anthropology (131)
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Civics (285)
Comparative political systems (177)
Criminology (43)
Current events/issues (1,110)
Economics (510)
Geography (412)
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Psychology (85)
Social work (24)
Sociology (259)
State history (621)
Technology (204)
Technology and civilization (181)
United States Constitution (27)
United States government (452)
United States history (1,251)
Urban studies (307)
World history (675)


Global Health Policy

Information on global health conditions online is quite extensive, though it can be hard to separate the wheat from the chaff. Created and operated by the Kaiser Family Foundation (with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), the Global Health Policy site is designed for journalists and the general public. The site is a frequently-updated and high-quality resource on information about...
Global Integrity

Many of the world’s national governments have been plagued by charges of corruption and pervasive malfeasance over the past few decades. As a result, a number of international organizations have been created to provide information on corruption and governance trends for the policy community and the general public. With funding from the World Bank, the Global Integrity organization produces the...
Global Journalist

To experience the world of high quality reporting from North Korea, meditations on the state of journalism, and a wide range of other stories, direct your browser to the Global Journalist website. Originally created for the International Press Institute in 1995, the publication moved to the Missouri School of Journalism in 1999. Today, journalism students work with staff members to produce content...
Global Knowledge Partnership: Online Interactions

Formed through a worldwide partnership that includes the United Nations and a host of other international organizations, the Global Knowledge Partnership was created to apply knowledge and technology to address development issues in areas like poverty reduction and access to knowledge. To facilitate the exchange of ideas in these areas, the Partnership has created this Online Interactions site....
Global Legal Information Network

Legal scholars and those with an interest in the law will definitely want to take a look at the Global Legal Information Network (GLIN) website. Here visitors can search official full text legal documents, including judicial decisions, legislation, and laws. The database is provided courtesy of the Law Library of the United States Congress, and it draws from countries from around the world who...
Global Open Data Index

The Global Open Data Index was the most shared resource from The Scout Report this past year. Like our readers, we were impressed by this repository of government data from 94 different countries across the globe. These datasets are helpfully organized by country as well as topic, providing an invaluable tool for researchers and journalists. However, this resource will also be of interest to...
Global Policy Forum

The United Nations has a number of policy initiatives occurring in all parts of the globe, and some might ask the question: Who evaluates the effectiveness of such programs? The United Nations does some of this work themselves, but the Global Policy Forum is also intimately concerned with monitoring their programs, along with "promoting accountability of global decisions." Visitors who know what...
Global Service Fellowships: Building Bridges through American Volunteers

Throughout the years, the United States has always been on the lookout for ways to improve the country's image overseas. Early in the 20th century, Theodore Roosevelt embarked on a round-the-world journey, and by the 1950s, various jazz ambassadors (such as Dizzy Gillespie and Benny Goodman) were spreading that unique American musical idiom from Islamabad to Moscow. As it turns out, several...
Global State of Democracy: Exploring Democracy's Resilience

Those who study political systems around the world may be interested in The Global State of Democracy, a biennial report published by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA). This report "analyses global and regional democracy trends and challenges based on International IDEA's newly developed Global State of Democracy indices, which capture global and regional...
Global Voices

Many public interest media organizations are concerned about listening to the voices and opinions of those around the world, particularly in the developing world. One such group is the nonprofit global citizens' media project, Global Voices Online, which is sponsored by the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at the Harvard Law School. Its ultimate goal is "to foster better international...
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