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African American History Month

February is African American History Month, and, as the Library of Congress site notes, it's an area of history that should be incorporated into all discussions about American history. The Library of Congress listened to its own advice and created this most useful site to help students, teachers, and others to do just that. Visitors can read about a number of notable African Americans, including...
African American Sheet Music, 1820-1920

During the 19th and early 20th centuries, sheet music was produced in enormous quantities in the United States. To historians and other interested parties, much of this material serves as a way to look at social and cultural mores of the times. This digital collection from Brown University takes a look at the sheet music that reflected attitudes towards African-Americans. Containing several...
African American Women in Iowa Digital Collection

This fruitful collaboration between the Iowa Women's Archive and the African American Historical Museum and Cultural Center of Iowa has produced this enlightening website containing over 200 items including links to "scrapbooks," "photographs," "pamphlets" "oral histories" and "newsletters." The "Recent Additions" area allows visitors to click on any of the thumbnails in the line up of items...
African American Women in Iowa Digital Collection

This digital celebration of African American women in 20th century Iowa represents the collaborative efforts of the Iowa Women's Archives and the African American Historical Museum and Cultural Center of Iowa. On the site, visitors can learn about the experiences of African American women in Iowa through photographs, scrapbooks, pamphlets, oral histories, and newsletters. Visitors can perform...
African Americans and the End of Slavery in Massachusetts

Massachusetts was home to a number of powerful abolitionist and anti-slavery groups during the 18th and 19th centuries, and this fine online exhibition created by the Massachusetts Historical Society brings together a number of primary documents that tell the stories of African Americans and abolitionist movements in the commonwealth. With financial assistance from the Institute of Museum and...
African Americans and the End of Slavery in Massachusetts

The Massachusetts Historical Society created a website that chronicles the lives of free and enslaved African Americans in Massachusetts from the "late seventeenth century through the abolition of slavery under the Massachusetts Constitution in the 1780s." On the right hand side of any page is the menu of the categories into which the online collection is divided. In addition to such topics as...
African Burial Ground

As the city of New York has grown up, out, and over an increasingly vast area of land during the past few centuries, various sites of human activity and habitation have become one of the many layers that continue to interest urbanologists, sociologists, planners, and anthropologists. One such layer is the African burial ground that was found in lower Manhattan in 1991, and which has been...
African Development Bank Group

The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) was founded in 1964, and its mission is to "promote sustainable economic growth and reduce poverty in Africa." Their website is extremely thorough in discussing its guidelines for lending, its source of funds, and current projects. On the homepage, in the middle of the page is a link to a book called "Africa Achieves", and it contains text and photos...
African Education Research Database

Begun in 2017 and launched in June 2018, the African Education Research Database (AERD) is "a curated collection of research undertaken in the past decade by scholars based in sub-Saharan Africa." This database, which seeks "to raise the visibility of African research" and lower barriers to accessing that research, is a collaborative initiative between the Research for Equitable Access and...
African Elections Project

Interest in the election results within various African nations continues to grow, and the African Elections Project is a great source of information on this timely topic. The Project is coordinated by the International Institute for ICT Journalism and a number of additional partners, such as the Open Society Initiative for West Africa and Global Voices. The material on the site is available in...
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