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Health -- Family life


Center for Gender and Refugee Studies [pdf]

Established in 1999 at the Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco, the Center for Gender and Refugee Studies (CGRS) is primarily interested in supporting women asylum-seekers who are fleeing gender related harm. Additionally, they work "to impact the development of law and policy to protect women fleeing gender-based violence." The Center's website is a great place to learn about many of the...
Child Trends

Child Trends is a non-profit, non-partisan research center, and is the "nation's only independent research and policy center focused exclusively on improving outcomes for children." Child Trends has twelve areas of research, listed across the top of any page. Some of the topics include "Child Poverty," "Fatherhood & Parenting," "Youth Development," and "Health." In each section, the research...
Chinese Anti-Malaria Posters

The U.S. National Library of Medicine has digitized their collection of Chinese anti-malaria posters that were disseminated throughout China from the 1950s to the 1970s, when over 30 million people were afflicted with malaria. Visitors should check out the "Introduction" link to learn about the focus of the posters, most of which dealt with prevention techniques, such as eliminating mosquito...
Close to Home: The Development Impact of Remittances in Latin America

For many immigrant families, sending money back to relatives and friends in their country or region of origin is an important part of ensuring their success, along with increasing the possibility that they may be able to bring over family members in the future. Examining these payments, sometimes referred to as remittances, is of interest to a number of international organizations and think-tanks....
Conflict and Health

Public health experts, doctors, policymakers and others are increasingly interested in the relationship between health and conflict. A number of those people recently collaborated to create the "Conflict and Health" journal. The journal is part of the BioMedCentral publishing group, and it is an open access, peer-reviewed publication, which looks at "the intricate relationship between conflict and...
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance

Living and coping with depression or bipolar disorder can be difficult, but there are a number of high-quality online resources that can be very useful to those with these conditions, or for those who work directly with these individuals. The homepage of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) can be of great help in this area, as their site includes everything from their "Real...
Diseases of the Mind: Highlights of American Psychiatry through 1900

The National Library of Medicine's History of Medicine site has plumbed the various corners of American medicine for years, and this latest offering takes a look at the history of early American psychiatry through primary documents including photographs, biographies, and other items. The sections offered on the site cover early psychiatric hospitals and asylums, 19th century psychiatrists of note,...
Early Childhood Interventions: Proven Results, Future Promise

A significant amount of intellectual hand wringing has gone on as of late regarding the nature and importance of early childhood intervention programs. Some have claimed that such programs (including Head Start) are inherently a waste of money, while others tout their apparent ability to increase future educational and life opportunities, particularly for the under-privileged. This intriguing...
Examination of Front-of-Package Nutrition Rating Systems and Symbols

The National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C., advises the nation on science, engineering, and medicine, and their website allows the general public to be privy to their findings. The Institute of Medicine of the National Academies has released on their website a Phase I report of their recent study on "Front-of-Package Nutrition Rating Systems and Symbols". Visitors can find the full...
Fertility of American Women

The U.S. Census Bureau prepares numerous papers each year, and they are an important source of information for public policy analysts, geographers, economists, and civic leaders. These reports are based on the biannual Current Population Surveys (CPS) conducted across the country. The reports here date back to 1994, and they look at fertility rates among American women in the noninstitutionalized...
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