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Quantum theory -- Study and teaching (Higher)


Quantum Physics

The revered quantum physicist Richard Feynman once quipped, “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.” And yet, the study of quantum mechanics has given birth to the laser, the microchip, and the electron microscope. What’s going on here? You can find out by taking Quantum Physics I, a completely free online class from MIT. The Syllabus is a great way to get situated...
Quantum Physics Made Relatively Simple

Hans Bethe, a refugee from Nazi Germany, joined Cornell University's Department of Physics in 1935. Only 28 years old at the time, Bethe was world-renowned for his work in nuclear physics and on the Manhattan Project. In 1967, he was awarded a Nobel Prize for his work in astrophysics, "especially his discoveries concerning the energy production in stars." In 1999, at the age of 93, Bethe gave...
The Quantum Exchange

The Quantum Exchange is a collection of information and resources for teachers of quantum physics. To get started, visitors can look over areas such as Featured Materials, Quantum Pictures, and Resource Categories. The Featured Materials area contains helpful items like Paradigms in Physics: Quantum Activities and a rather exciting quantum mechanics visualization project from the University of St....
Visual Quantum Mechanics: Online Interactive Programs

The Visual Quantum Mechanics project, from the Physics Education Group of Kansas State University's Department of Physics, develops innovative ways to "introduce quantum physics to high school and college students who do not have a background in modern physics or higher level math." Funded by the National Science Foundation, this resource for educators provides interactive computer visualizations...